Chapter 1229

Chapter 1245

He took a deep look at her, "It's nothing, you will know later."

What, say half and leave half.


The next day, as agreed, she came to the government office to see Mr. Yin's doctor. Mr. Yin's complexion was a little better than yesterday, and he was more energetic. After performing the acupuncture for him, she gave a few more instructions and was about to leave After leaving, Yin Yixuan suddenly called her, "Chu Wen, how is your father?"

She nodded: "Very good, you not only know my mother, but also my father?"

Yin Yixuan smiled bitterly and nodded: "Of course, of course I know your father. Your father and I used to be best friends. We used to pee and study together. We used to be close friends who talked about everything."

"It used to be? It's not anymore?" She raised her eyebrows, she didn't expect that he and her father knew each other, why had she never heard of it from her father.

Yin Yixuan shook his head: "Now I can't tell if it's true or not. In short, I did something wrong. If he refuses to recognize me as a friend, I have nothing to say."

"So, you actually want to see my parents, don't you?"

He nodded: "Yes, I want to see them, but I don't know how to face them. Maybe I'm too cowardly, maybe they don't take me to heart at all, I just can't let it go."

She didn't know how to persuade him. There seemed to be a lot of unpleasant things happened between him and his parents. She didn't know the inside story, so she couldn't say much.

"Rest well, I'll come back tomorrow." She walked out of the room carrying the medicine box, and met Yin Shuwei who hurried over just as she left the room.

When Yin Shu only saw him, his eyes lit up immediately, and he said with a smile, "You're here!"

She nodded: "I'm done with my work, and I'm planning to leave."

Yin Shuwei hurriedly said: "Let's stay for lunch, my mother is already preparing it, if you leave, she will be unhappy."

Thinking that if she returned to Wanwutang at this time, she would inevitably meet someone, she immediately responded: "Alright, I happen to be fine."

Yin Shuwei's mood became better and better, "Are you playing chess?"

She nodded: "Okay, let's have a round."

The two sat down in the pavilion, just like yesterday, the fight between black and white was supposed to be equal to each other.

"You lost again." Yin Shuwei stared at Chu Wen in front of him, with a puzzled expression on his face: "What's wrong with you? Do you have something on your mind?"

She quickly waved her hand: "No, no, it's just that I didn't sleep well last night, and my mind was a little distracted."

Thinking of Wan Kun's dominance yesterday, Yin Shuwei couldn't help frowning and asked, "Did Mr. Wan embarrass you?"

She froze for a moment, are you in trouble?Fortunately, it was embarrassing, but it didn't seem to count. . .

"No, how could he embarrass me? Although he is my uncle, I am two years older than him. How dare he embarrass me? It's nothing." She laughed dryly, her eyes full of guilt.

Yin Shuwei dropped the chess piece in his hand, "You don't have to hide it from me, if you need my help, just ask, I will do my best."

She waved her hand: "No, no, I'm fine. He treats me very well."

Yin Shuwei stared at him for a while, then suddenly asked: "When did you know each other?"

since when?It should be from the day Wan Kun was born, when she was just two years old, Wan Kun was still in her swaddling baby, her little face was wrinkled, and she looked exactly like a little old man.

"When he was very young, he was my master's son. I learned art from my master when I was urinating, and he was the same. Don't think he is younger than me, but he can learn everything very quickly, and he can learn it well. Very good, whether it is medical skills or martial arts, he is above me, no matter how hard I try to catch up, I can't catch up with him."

(End of this chapter)

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