Chapter 1233 Su Er
Chapter 1249

Zhongwen said: "Don't get confused, maybe we are too sensitive. Once bitten by a snake, we are afraid of well ropes for ten years. The queen is a person who understands the general situation. She has children, how can I do stupid things."

Rong Yue shook her head: "You don't understand that women are different from men. The only thing a woman can rely on after marriage is her husband, but if her husband is no longer reliable, the woman will turn to rely on her own son."

Zhongwen frowned, and his heart was beating drums, "But the child is still young, and the emperor is in his prime, and there are no other princes in the palace. If she doesn't rely on the emperor, who else will she rely on?"

Rong Yue said: "Hey, after all, I blamed me for not being able to protect Tianqi well back then, but now Tianqi doesn't trust anyone except you and me, and he can't treat anyone sincerely, even if it's the person next to him , and can't get warmth from him, although the queen looks good on the surface, all the concubines in the harem know that the emperor treats everyone the same, the same indifference, and the same indifference."

"The empress is just an ordinary woman, and she will also be afraid. At this time, the concubine in the harem failed to give birth to a son, which does not mean that she will not be able to in the future. As long as her son does not become a crown prince, as long as her son does not ascend to the emperor, she You have to worry about it for a day."

"So, it's really possible."

The more the husband and wife thought about it, the more afraid they became, but there was no substantive evidence for this matter, and it was hard to tell Tian Qi about all their deduction, which would only add to his troubles.

"In this way, I will immediately find a few suitable people and send them to Dongli first, so that they can reply to us regularly. You also go to the palace and place a few eyeliners around the queen."

Rong Yue nodded: "Okay, the only way to do it now is to do this, there is no other way."



Shangguan Tuo called Shangguan Nuo to the front hall to talk.

"Nuo'er, your mother and I will go back to Dongli tomorrow. Originally, we should go back together as a family, but now Liuliu is pregnant and it is inconvenient to travel long distances. You should stay and take care of her until she gives birth smoothly. , after the child is full moon, you will go back to Dongli together."

Shangguan Nuo frowned, quite dissatisfied in his heart: "I can't help her give birth, just leave two old mothers to take care of her, and I'll go back to Dongli with you."

Shangguan Tuo glared at him, "Look at you, if you still have this kind of virtue, Liu Liu can bear you. It's not easy for a woman to be pregnant for ten months. What she needs most at this time is her husband's care. I know you don't like Liu Liu. Liu, you still have Zheng Nianwen in your heart, but you have to understand that now Liu Liu is the wife you are marrying tomorrow, and she is about to give birth to the eldest grandson of our Shangguan family. Extinct." He is now just rejoicing, rejoicing that his son was not able to get together with Zheng Nianwen, otherwise with his obsession, bad things will happen in the future.

Shangguan Nuo still couldn't convince his father, so he simply went out in anger, seeing and hearing nothing.

He was wandering on the street like a ghost, and he didn't know where he was, until he was bumped by a person in a hurry, and then he woke up. When he took a closer look, it turned out to be the place where he and Nianwen met for the first time. .

The same street, the same excitement, not far ahead was still the same as last time, full of people, he was there, and she didn't know each other.

"This girl is so pitiful. She is young and has a decent appearance. If she kneels here and sells her body to bury her father, I don't know who will buy her away."

(End of this chapter)

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