Chapter 1234 Su'er 2
Chapter 1251

He frowned slightly, and remembered that day, at the same place, there was also a girl who sold herself to bury her father on her knees.

He stepped forward like a ghost, and squeezed to the front of the crowd. Isn't the girl in filial piety kneeling on a piece of white cloth that said "sell her body and bury her father" the same girl Su'er he had seen back then?
The last time she sold herself to bury her father, both he and Nianwen gave her money, so she ran out of money and came out to repeat the old trick?

How ridiculous!

He took out an ingot of silver from his pocket and threw it on the white cloth.

Miss Su'er hurriedly raised her head to thank him, seeing him, her complexion changed slightly, there was surprise and panic in her eyes.

She both wanted to see him and didn't want to see him.

"Miss Su'er, you sold your body here to bury your father three months ago. Why, your father hasn't been buried yet? Or is it that the money we gave you last time was not enough for you to bury him?"

Su'er blushed immediately, lowered her head and said, "My lord, my name is not Su'er, I'm Ling'er, you must be mistaken."

"Did I admit the wrong person? Well, just treat it as if I was the wrong person, take the money and go, don't be ashamed here." He didn't bother to look at her anymore, turned around and left.

Someone in the crowd also recognized Su'er, and shouted: "Hey - I said just now that this girl looks familiar, she has indeed sold her body here to bury her father before, it's not the first time, last time this young master And another young master got into a fight because of her."

"Yes, yes, I was there at the time. I was also wondering just now. There are two people who look so similar in this world. They are the same person at all!"

Su'er's face turned redder, she grabbed the silver ingot on the white cloth, got up and rushed towards Shangguan Nuo, knelt down on his body, hugged his thigh, choked up and said, "My lord, you actually paid for it?" Ling'er, Ling'er is your man, you take me away, I am willing to be your cow or horse."

Shangguan Nuo didn't even look at her, and said in a deep voice, "Relax, I, Shangguan Nuo, don't need a dishonest person to stay by my side."

When Su'er heard this, she immediately said: "I admit, I am Su'er. Last time I buried my father, I still had some money left. I saved money for three months, but the money will always be spent. One day, I can't help it, so, just—"

Shangguan Nuo lowered his eyes, looking at the tear-stained and pitiful face in front of him, thinking that three months ago, Lian Wen was also deceived by her face, and thought she was some kind of really poor person.

He wanted to kick her away, but he thought that the woman in front of him was a testimony of his acquaintance with Nianwen, and also a Nianxiang they had known each other.

Seeing her, he would think of the day when he first met Nianwen.

Nianwen will come back sooner or later, how will he meet her then?
If the woman in front of me is left behind, maybe she can be used as an excuse to meet her.

Thinking of this, he already had an idea in his mind, so he said to Su'er: "Okay, you follow me back."

Su'er was taken aback for a moment, then she was pleasantly surprised and ecstatic. She thought he would ruthlessly leave her, she thought he would ignore her and leave directly like last time.

"Release." He frowned, he didn't like being touched by such a person, he felt dirty.

Su'er quickly let go of her hand, got up from the ground, and followed behind him step by step.

Passing by a tailor shop, he glanced back at Su'er in filial piety, and said, "Go inside and change."

Su'er hurriedly responded, and when she entered the tailor shop, she was afraid that he would leave suddenly, so her eyes were always on him.

(End of this chapter)

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