Chapter 1235
Chapter 1251

After a while, Su'er changed into simple clothes and came out. Shangguan Nuo just glanced at her, and then said, "Let's go."

Su'er was born poor, but she was born fair and beautiful, tall and tall, and her figure is hotter than ordinary girls. I don't know how many men in the same village want to marry her.

But she herself knows these advantages of herself, she doesn't want to waste this good skin, let alone live in a poor mountain valley all her life, she wants to live a life without worrying about food and clothing, even if the price is to be a concubine .

The Shangguan Nuo in front of her is hundreds of times better than those fat-headed and out-of-shape masters. Not to mention being his concubine, she is willing to be his girl.

She knew that Shangguan Nuo was the son of a rich family, but it wasn't until she entered the Shangguan mansion that she realized that he was not just rich.

He turned out to be the eldest son of the Hou family.

As soon as she entered the Hou's mansion, she hadn't had time to take a closer look, nor had she had time to say a few words to him. Shangguan Nuo handed her over to the housekeeper's mother, and asked her to teach her the rules and be an ordinary maid. training.

The nanny has been running the back house of the Hou Mansion for decades, and she has never seen the tricks that women usually use. Once she saw the way Su'er looked at the prince, she knew it was restless.

It's a pity that Shizi doesn't seem to want to look at her more.

That's right, Shizi didn't take a second look at a woman as beautiful as Shizi Concubine, let alone the one in front of her, her appearance was at best outstanding among maidservants, but it was still far behind a real ladylike beauty.

The news that the crown prince brought a woman into the mansion quickly reached Sun Liuliu's ears. She is now three months pregnant, and it is time for her to have a good pregnancy. When she heard the words from the servant, she immediately felt so angry that her stomach hurts , can scare the girls around.

Sun Liuliu breathed a sigh of relief, and when the pain in her lower abdomen gradually subsided, she said to the girl: "Go and invite Madam, just tell me that my stomach hurts."

The girl left in a hurry, and after a while led Mrs. Xian Guanghou to the courtyard.

Liao didn't like this daughter-in-law from the bottom of her heart, but now that Sun Liuliu was pregnant with the flesh and blood of their Shangguan family, she naturally couldn't neglect her.

"Liu Liu, what's the matter with you? Why do you suddenly have a stomachache? Did you invite a doctor to see it?"

Sun Liuliu covered her relatively flat belly with one hand, and wiped her tears with the handkerchief: "Mother, you have to make the decision for me."

Liao frowned: "What happened? You tell me, and I will make the decision for you."

Sun Liuliuhong said with eyes: "Mother, you also know that I am pregnant now, and I have morning sickness every day. I need the care of my son most, but he doesn't care about me very much. He doesn't come to see me, and now he brings women back from outside. , isn't this trying to anger me?"

Liao's face darkened: "You said that Nuo'er brought a woman in from outside? Is this really true?"

Sun Liuliu looked at the big maid in the room: "Yuan'er said it, she saw it with her own eyes."

Yuan'er hurriedly said to the Liao family: "Return to Madam, the son did bring a girl back to the mansion from outside, and she was taken away by Nanny Song, and the servants saw it with their own eyes."

Mrs. Liao pondered for a moment, then said: "Although Nuo'er is a bit stubborn in doing things, she is not a disrespectful person. She has never recruited women into the mansion outside. There must be something else going on about this matter. Don't worry, I will send you a message." People can find out by asking.”

Liao Shi winked at Wang Ma who was beside her, and said, "Wang Ma, go to Nanny Song to see what's going on."

(End of this chapter)

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