Chapter 1242 Warning
Chapter 1258

"Father, was the woman you liked at that time my master?" Zhou Jiao asked.

Zhou An nodded, and didn't think there was anything to hide about this, the child would know sooner or later.

"Yes, it was her. When my father and king fell into trouble in the Chu Dynasty, it was your master who accepted me for my study and examination, and let me and my nanny live in her Rongyu Hall. A person like her seems to be shining brightly." , exudes a fatal attraction, people will fall in love with her involuntarily."

He smiled bitterly: "Everything is God's will. She and Zheng Zhongwen are indeed compatible. I didn't understand it at the beginning, and I didn't want to accept it. I tried every means to keep her by my side, but the result was harming others and myself."

Zhou Jiao asked: "Father, how did you let her come to the Zhou Dynasty? Master, she clearly loves Master, so how could she agree to marry you?"

"She agreed to marry me because of Zheng Zhongwen. She feigned death and left for Zheng Zhongwen. He was seriously injured by random arrows and was dying. It was also for Zheng Zhongwen. Zheng Zhongwen almost lost his life for her several times. The lives and fate of the two of them, They have been entangled for a long time, and no one can separate them. Your mother's death made me wake up, and I finally understand that some things can be achieved without hard work, and some people can be achieved only if they have more power than anyone else. get."

Zhou Jiao seems to have listened to his warning, but he didn't seem to listen, his eyes looked into the distance, thoughtful.


Wan Wu Tang

Wan Kun jumped off the horse with his arms around Nian Wen, and dragged her into the hall.

"Wan Kun, you are going too far." Nian Wen was ashamed and angry, and shook off Wan Kun's hand forcefully.

Wan Kun's complexion was not good, and he said in a deep voice: "I'm going too far? I told you a long time ago, don't get too close to Yin Shuwei, did you take my words as wind?"

"Whoever I want to get close to is my freedom. Why do you interfere? You really think you are mine—you are not, so you can't control my affairs."

The buddies and stewards in the hall all cast curious eyes. He looked around, clasped Nianwen's hand again, and then she went straight upstairs.

He pushed her into his room, and locked the door behind his back, "Zheng Nianwen, tell me again, what am I not?"

He approached step by step, his eyes full of dangerous light.

She had never seen him so angry before, and she felt a little apprehensive, but her proud nature prevented her from showing cowardice: "You are not my fiance, you have nothing—"

He suddenly lowered his head, kissed her lips, swallowed all the words behind her, kissed so hard and hard that she could barely breathe, and he didn't let her go until he saw her face flushed red.

He touched the corner of his lips, and his fingertips were covered with blood, but she actually bit him.

"Wan Kun, you bastard." She pushed him away fiercely, rushed to the door of the room and kicked the door open, and rushed back to her room like the wind.

Wan Kun stood where he was, and did not chase after her, coax her or provoke her as usual.

He knew that what he did this time was wrong and offended her. He was indeed too impulsive just now, and what she said were just angry words.

After calming down in the room for a while, he came to her door and knocked on the door: "Wen'er, open the door, I have something to say."

Nianwen smashed a pillow on the door frame, "Get out, I don't want to see you."

"You open the door first."

"I have nothing to say to you, you go." She lay on the bed with tears in her eyes, feeling aggrieved.

(End of this chapter)

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