Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1243 Love doesn't know where it started, but it goes deeper and deeper.

Chapter 1243 Love doesn't know where it started, but it goes deeper and deeper.

Chapter 1259

She also felt that she was useless, being bullied by him like this, but she didn't know how to fight back, and even compromised repeatedly under his threat, she didn't know if she was crazy.

Wan Kun pushed the door open, using his inner strength secretly, the door bolt snapped off.

She wasn't surprised at all, he was such a person, if he wanted to do something, how could a wooden peg stop him?If he is really a person who abides by the rules, why would he provoke her several times.

"You go, I don't want to see you, and I don't want to talk to you." Nianwen turned sideways, turned his head and face to the inside of the bed, and turned his back to him.

Wan Kun walked to the bedside and sat down. After a moment of silence, he said, "Wen'er, I was wrong just now. I shouldn't have forced you. I was confused because I was wrong."

Read the text without making a sound, covering her ears with her hands, not wanting to listen to him.

He continued: "Wen'er, you may think that what I told you earlier was just a spur of the moment, or a decision that was not thought through, or even just a joke."

"Wen'er, I never joke, I never talk nonsense, my feelings for you are so deep that even I don't know how deep it is."

Feeling unacceptable, going deeper.

"You used to ask me why I didn't smile, why I was still a child but pretended to be an adult all day long, why I learned everything faster and better than you."

"I used to pretend not to hear your questions and never answered your questions. Now I will tell you why."

The hand covering her ears gradually slipped down. Although she didn't turn around to face him, most of the anger in her heart had been extinguished.

"Because I was born two years younger than you. This is an unchangeable fact. I don't want to be treated as a child by you, so I imitate the appearance of an adult and keep a straight face all day long, hoping to cover up that I am two years younger than you." old facts."

"My talent may not be better than yours. You can learn everything faster than you. That's because after I returned to my yard, I practiced all the time except sleeping. You and Zhou Jiao When I was fishing in the lotus pond, I was practicing acupuncture. When you and Zhou Jiao climbed the tree to pick fruits, I was practicing swords. When you and Zhou Jiao were sneaking out to play, I was learning business with my father. I was not born to do everything well. People, I spent all the time you play for studying, not for anything else, I just want to become a person worthy of you as soon as possible, not a brother who is two years younger than you, a brother who can protect you and take care of you A man who gives you a sense of security and makes you rely on."

So, when she decided to come to Jincheng, he also came.

So, when she went alone to the mountains to collect herbs, he also went.

He will be there wherever she needs him.

"Wen'er, there is nothing else in my life, only you, only you."

She sat up suddenly, turned to face him, and said: "So, when you saw Yin Shuwei and I together, you became jealous and took him away in the street?"

Wan Kun frowned: "I did go too far at the time, it was my fault."

Read the text and said: "Yin Shuwei and I are just ordinary friends. In his eyes, I am a man. If you are jealous of this, then I will never go out again in the future, let alone talk to any man. A word?"

Wan Kun thought to himself, if this is really possible, it would be good, but obviously not.

"I didn't mean that."

Nian Wen hummed: "Back in the capital, when Zhou Jiao hadn't left, I was with him all day long, and I didn't see you say anything. What's going on? You already regarded me, Zheng Nianwen, as your property? "

(End of this chapter)

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