Chapter 1244
Chapter 1260

Wan Kun's eyebrows were twisted into a twist: "I know that you have an ordinary brother-sister relationship with Zhou Jiao, and I'm relieved, even though Zhou Jiao doesn't think so."

"Then you are worried about Yin Shuwei? He is such a modest son, he behaves politely in every way, what are you worried about?" She really couldn't understand, how could Wan Kun regard Yin Shuwei as a fake enemy, Yin Shuwei What a docile person.

Wan Kun said with a sullen face: "Look at you, you have only known him for a few days, and you talk to him everywhere."

Seeing this sourness, reading the text suddenly wanted to laugh, she tried her best to hold back, folded her arms and said: "I'm just discussing the matter, I didn't talk to anyone, well, if you finish what you want to say, please leave, I want to take a nap .”

Wan Kun stared at her still swollen face, and sighed, "All right, I'll go, but don't sneak out like yesterday."

Nian Wen thought to herself, "If I run away, you won't be able to catch me back. Why should I bother?"

After Wan Kun left, she stretched out her hand to touch her cheek, which had been burning hot all the time.

The next day, she came to the magistrate's yamen as usual, and when she entered the gate, she saw Yin Shuwei who was drinking tea behind the gate, and said in surprise, "Brother Yin, why are you drinking tea here?"

Yin Shuwei smiled and got up: "It's nothing, you are late today."

Nian Wen sighed: "I didn't sleep well last night, I got up late in the morning, and I wasted some time, so let's go, this will happen to be the best time for acupuncture."

Carrying the medicine box, she turned around and rushed back.

Yin Shuwei followed behind him, looking at his slender back, always felt that he was too thin, if he hadn't walked like him in stride, just looking at his back, he might have mistaken her for a woman.

If he is really a woman, how wonderful it would be.

Yin Shuwei smiled wryly, shook his head and sighed, and quickened his pace to catch up with him: "Chu Wen, after you went back yesterday, did Mr. Wan make things difficult for you?"

Is there any difficulty?Does being kissed by him count?
She shook her head, "No, how dare he, even though he is my junior uncle, I am two years older than him, and he still has to call me sister." Cough, I dare to say this behind my back .

Yin Shuwei said: "Really? It's fine if you don't make things difficult for you." Wan Kun took Chu Wen away from him yesterday, his dark complexion seemed to be approaching a crazy storm, and he was really worried for a long time , I can't figure out why Wan Kun would have such a reaction.

Yin Yixuan looked like an ordinary person today, Nian Wen helped him down and walked a few steps, and the previous dizziness and dark eyes disappeared.

Read the text and said: "Your Excellency is recovering well. From tomorrow onwards, you don't need to give acupuncture anymore, you just need to take the medicine on time."

Mrs. Yin on the side heard this, and she was so happy that she closed her mouth from ear to ear: "Although Doctor Chu is young, his medical skills are really not simple. When the master was rescued by you, he looked no different from a dead person. It only took a few days." , it can be restored to what it is now, it is really unbelievable."

Yin Yixuan said with a smile: "How could she be the same as an ordinary doctor? Her mother was called a miracle doctor back then. It's not for nothing."

Mrs. Yin's smile froze on her face, and she said with a dry smile: "That's right, it seems that Dr. Chu has won the true biography of the princess."

Read the text and waved his hand: "It's not true. I studied medicine with Master since I was a child. My medical skills are all taught by Master. My mother did not study medicine with Master for as long as I did, but her actual combat experience is better than mine. I am much richer, and on the same basis, I realized her own medical skills."

(End of this chapter)

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