Chapter 1246 Cholera!

Chapter 1262

She was walking back alone with the medicine box, and just turned around the street of the magistrate's yamen, she ran into Xiaodou head-on.

Xiaodou was sweating profusely, and yelled when she saw her: "Princess, something is wrong, Wanwutang is surrounded by hundreds of villagers."

Read the text puzzled: "Surrounded by villagers? Why?"

Xiaodou said: "I don't know why. Those people are not from Jincheng, but from a village in a neighboring county. It is said that many people have strange diseases and come to Jincheng to seek medical treatment. People from major medical centers Seeing this battle, they were unwilling to treat them, so they went to Rongyu Hall, but Rongyu Hall was still being rebuilt, and they found Wanwu Hall all the way. Today, the young master is not here, and he hasn't come back yet. I came to you after I had an idea.”

Lianwen hurriedly quickened his pace: "Since I'm a patient, I'm going to take a look, hurry up."

The two hurried back to Wanwutang, good guy, the spacious and quiet Wanwutang used to be crowded by people.

Noisy, only to hear people talking constantly, some crying and some howling, but I can't hear what they are saying.

Xiaodou rushed in and shouted to everyone: "Everyone be quiet, our doctor Chu is here."

Xiaodou's voice was thin, and he was overwhelmed by the hustle and bustle of voices as soon as he opened his throat. It seemed that everyone was immersed in their own sad world, and no one cared whether there were two more people in Wanwutang.

Nianwen handed the medicine box to Xiaodou, stepped on the ground with his toes, flew over the heads of the crowd, jumped onto the elegant nanmu square table, and said loudly: "Everyone be quiet."

Her voice was full of internal strength, and she stood on a high place, which naturally attracted everyone's attention. The noisy voice gradually died down, and Xiaodou also squeezed to the table and climbed up. He said: "This is Doctor Chu, you guys Tell him anything."

The woman closest to the table knelt down towards Nianwen with a plop, and cried, "Doctor Chu, please save my child."

Seeing this, the others also knelt down one after another, begging her to help them.

Nian Wen hurriedly said: "Everyone get up and talk, I am a doctor, and treating patients is what I should do, don't beg, get up quickly."

The villagers have run into walls one after another in the major medical clinics in the city. Dr. Chu in front of them is their only hope. How dare they get up without his definite approval.

The woman said: "Doctor Chu, my child has been in Kushui Village. He has been vomiting and diarrhea for three days and hasn't recovered. He is already thin and out of shape. If this continues, the child will be lost. Doctor Chu, please do me a favor." , follow me to Kushui Village, and save my child."

Other villagers also said one after another: "My child is the same. He has been vomiting and diarrhea for three days, and he is about to die."

Nian Wen looked at the villagers kneeling on the ground, frowned and asked, "What do you mean, all the sick are children? The symptoms are all the same?"

The woman nodded: "Yes, I don't know why, the children all had seizures within a day, and the doctor in the village couldn't figure out what was going on, so they asked us to go to Jincheng to seek medical treatment, but the doctors in the hospital heard that Speaking of such a disease, they immediately kicked us out, and refused to let us in again."

The villagers were dumbfounded, they didn't understand why, but Nianwen felt like a bright mirror in his heart.

The symptoms of these children are very similar to a very contagious disease, cholera!
(End of this chapter)

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