Chapter 1247 Go to My House First
Chapter 1263

But if it is cholera, why are only children infected, but adults are fine?This is not consistent with the characteristics of cholera, a highly contagious disease.

Right now, the cause of the disease can only be confirmed by seeing the patient in person, and listening to what they say will not be accurate.

Read the text: "You all get up, let me prepare, and I will follow you back to Kushui Village immediately."

The villagers breathed a sigh of relief, and then stood up one after another, thanking Nianwen continuously.

Nianwen pulled Xiaodou and jumped off the table to talk in the backyard.

"Xiaodou, where did your son go? When will he be back?" she asked.

Xiaodou said: "The young master left the city with Xu Guanshi early in the morning. I don't know where he went. He said he would come back for dinner. I can't tell when it will be."

Read the text and nodded: "Well, I will go back to Kushui Village with them first. When your young master comes back, you can tell him that I will go out for a consultation, and I will be back in a day or two at most, so that he doesn't have to worry about it, and he doesn't have to go to me. I can handle it myself."

She wrote another prescription and asked Xiaodou to go to the nearby medicine hall to get the medicine. They were good medicines for anti-emetic and diarrhea, as well as medicinal materials for preventing cholera. It was a big bag, and she took it and left.

Kushui Village is not far from Jincheng, and the villagers all came on foot. At this time, she couldn't find so many carriages, so she simply walked out of the city with them.

When we reached Kushui Village, it was already [-]:[-] Shen Shi, fortunately it was summer, if it was winter, the sky would have been dark at this hour.

As soon as they entered the village, everyone wanted Nianwen to go to see a doctor for their children first, but no one would let them go. There was a fight without a few words, and some even rolled up their sleeves to fight.

Nianwen frowned and said loudly: "If you keep arguing, I will go back."

After hearing this, the crowd stopped arguing just now, but still no one was willing to let go.

Nianwen glanced at the village. There was a wide dirt road in the middle, which could accommodate two ox carts. All the houses were built on both sides of the road, extending to the distance.

And just behind her, there is a house with walls covered with yellow mud, she said: "Why bother looking far away, is there any sick child in this house?"

A dark-faced man squeezed over. He had just been standing in the distance watching the crowd quarreling, and he hadn't spoken a word. Lian Wen also noticed him.

"This is my home, and my son was also sick for three days."

Read the text and nodded: "Okay, let's go to your house."

At this time, a slightly fat woman quit, she stopped in front of Nianwen, and said in a loud voice: "My house is not far ahead, my family's Yingzi is sicker than his son, it stands to reason that we should go My home first."

Not to be outdone, the other woman said: "You fart, my Xiaoyun is more seriously ill, you should go to my house first."

Nian Wen's face darkened, and he said displeasedly: "Get out of the way, I said, choose the near and first cure, why bother to seek the far?"

The two women refused to let go, and said with a cold face: "What's the matter? The sons of their old Liu family are more expensive than our children? Why should we punish his family first?"

Old Liu is a typical honest person. When he saw these two famous shrews in the village running on him, he looked embarrassed and said, "Doctor Chu, why don't you go to their house first, and we can wait."

Reading the text and shaking her head, she knows that once the rules are broken, troubles will follow one after another. It is best not to start this kind of self-righteous special case, once it starts, it will be asking for trouble
"No, I'll just go to your house." Nian Wen ignored the two fierce women, turned sideways to avoid them, and walked towards Lao Liu's house.

(End of this chapter)

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