Chapter 1249 Croton Powder

Chapter 1265

Everyone thought it was cholera, although no one mentioned these two words, but everyone knew in their hearts that cholera was not incurable, so they simply pretended to be confused, but the doctor Chu said it was not cholera.

But poisoning?The children in the whole village were poisoned collectively?

"But each of our families eats different food, and the children eat the same food as us. If the children are poisoned, why are we not poisoned?" A middle-aged man asked.

"Yeah, that's right, why?" Everyone seconded.

Reading the text can't explain this now, she must find the source of the poisoning first, otherwise, even if she takes the medicine, she will be poisoned again.

"Where does the water you usually use come from?" she asked.

A young man hurriedly said: "The water in our village is all picked from the stone well at the east end of the village."

The big guys gradually understood what Doctor Chu meant, someone poisoned the well?So their entire village of children would be poisoned.

A group of villagers surrounded Nianwen and came to the stone well at the east end of the village. The young man brought a bucket of water to Nianwen.

Lianwen opened the medicine box that he carried with him, took out two porcelain bottles from inside, and first poured the white powder in one of the bottles into the bucket.

The water in the bucket quickly turned dark green, she frowned slightly, poured out the dark green water, asked the young man to fetch another bucket of water, and added the purple medicine powder from another porcelain bottle to this bucket of water.

After the purple medicine powder melted into the water, the water in the bucket turned a very strange blood red.

Everyone looked curiously and asked, "Why did it turn red? It was green just now. What is your powder?"

Read the text ignoring this question, and said directly: "The water in this well has been poured with a lot of croton powder, and the croton powder caused diarrhea."

"But we also drank the water inside, why didn't we have diarrhea?" Someone asked.

The text said, "Because you are adults, adults' bodies are stronger than children's, and they are more receptive. In addition, the croton powder in the well is diluted with a lot of water, so the toxicity is not so strong. Among you Some people may have had diarrhea in the past few days, but it was not serious and failed to attract your attention. Children are different, their bodies cannot withstand the damage of this drug, so the reaction is so big .”

"Yeah, I also had diarrhea the day before yesterday. I had diarrhea several times, but then I got better, so I didn't care."

"Me too, I also pulled it several times, but I didn't expect that there was a problem with our water source."

"Who is so vicious to poison the well we depend on for survival?"

"Who else, whoever wants to drive us away, is whoever did it."

"Don't talk nonsense, don't guess without evidence."

"This is no guesswork, isn't it all obvious, as long as the whole village is destroyed, we can't stay here, who will benefit in the end?"

Nian Wen asked, "Who is it?"

All the villagers looked at each other in blank dismay, wanting to say something but dare not say it, after all that person is too scary, they dare not provoke him easily.

Seeing that everyone was unwilling to say more, she shrugged and said, "There is still croton in this water, so don't drink it. It is said that this water is active. If the medicine was taken a few days ago, it should have no medicinal effect. , but there are still medicinal properties, which proves that someone has drugged it again today.”

(End of this chapter)

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