Chapter 1250
Chapter 1266

A group of villagers seemed to explode, some were cursing, some were discussing in low voices, and some were clamoring to settle accounts with so-and-so.

But having said that, no one really rolled up their sleeves to settle accounts with anyone.

The young man who was carrying water asked, "Doctor Chu, what do you think we should do now?"

Read the text and said: "In this way, you send a few people to guard here in turn, guarding day and night, secretly guarding, and arresting any suspicious people, the matter will naturally be cleared up, and the children's illnesses don't need to worry too much , take a few doses of medicine and it will be fine, nothing will happen."

Fortunately, the master who gave the medicine did not throw any powerful poison into the well, otherwise, these children would have died by now.

After reading the text, he walked back and went straight to Lao Liu's house.

She opened the medicine bag and glanced at it. There were a lot of medicinal materials in the medicine bag, but it was definitely not enough for so many children in the village. In view of the situation when she first entered the village, she didn't say who could get free medicine and who had to ask for it by herself. Instead, they took a stack of paper from the medicine box and wrote dozens of prescriptions at a time, and distributed one copy to each family, asking them to go to Jincheng to grab the medicine by themselves.

Those who have money will naturally rush to the city without a second thought, those who have no money will naturally find a way if they can think of a way, and those who have neither money nor can think of a way will definitely come to her to intercede Well, by that time, everyone will be dispersed, so it is not difficult for her to make things easier.

However, she forgot that these people have a common problem, that is, their mouths are broken. It seems that everyone likes to go around and talk about the ideas they have taken advantage of, regardless of the consequences after they finish talking.

After distributing the medicinal materials to several families, she also decocted the medicine herself in the small backyard of Lao Liu's house. Before the medicine was ready, many people came to her place: "Doctor Chu, our family is also suffering from difficulties. , can you give us some medicine too?"

The woman who blocked Nianwen Road before and yelled that Nianwen should go to her home to treat the child first was also there, and she said with a fake smile, "We too, my man was ill a while ago, and the family The money has been used up, and I really can’t afford the money to buy medicine.”

Can't afford the money to buy medicine?
Read the text and look at the woman in front of her. The silver hairpin used to tie her hair is as thick as her little finger. Her ears are wearing gold earrings. The clothes on her body are also newly cut. She has no money to buy but has money to cut new clothes. ?
"It's gone, it's all been distributed." Nianwen calmly withdrew his gaze, fanning the stove on his own.

The woman's eyes fell on the stove, and said with a smile: "Isn't there still a jar of medicine here? I don't want more, I just want one bowl, oh no, one bowl may not be enough, two bowls, two bowls are enough."

Two bowls, thanks to what she said, this jar of medicine can only make two bowls, she wants them all?

The other woman immediately said: "If you want two bowls, then I'm gone? I came earlier than you, so if you want to get it, I will get it first."

Aunt Liu on the side frowned and didn't speak. The couple are honest people. They are always bullied by them on weekdays. How dare they open their mouths to argue. They can only look at the text nervously.

Read the text to ignore them and let them fight and fight. When they were done, she calmly poured out the two bowls of medicine and handed them all to Aunt Liu: "Take it and feed it to the child. One bowl, another bowl will be fed after two hours."

Aunt Liu was very happy, and took the wooden tray with thanks again and again.

Seeing this, the two women rushed forward to grab it, Nian Wen quietly stretched out his legs to block them, both of them fell enough to eat shit.

(End of this chapter)

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