Chapter 1251 The Night Walk

Chapter 1267

Taking advantage of this time, Aunt Liu hurried into the room with two bowls of soup and medicine.

The two women got up, accused each other of plotting against each other, and scuffled after a word of disagreement. After reading the text for a while, they said lightly: "If I were you, I would hurry to buy medicine before it was dark. It will be dark and the pharmacy will be closed, so even if you want to buy it, you won’t be able to buy it.” It’s strange to say that it’s very dark today, and it should be dark at this hour.

As soon as the two women heard this, they couldn't care less about fighting anymore, they hurriedly raised the corners of their skirts and ran, fearing that if they ran a step too late, the other party would buy all the medicines.

After a while, Aunt Liu came out of the house to clean up the medicine dregs. Seeing that Nianwen had put out the fire and was pouring the medicine dregs into a corner, she hurried forward to work.

Read the text without arguing with her, and handed her the medicine jar in his hand.

Aunt Liu said, "I see that you still have a lot of medicine left, why didn't you give them some just now?"

Read the text and hummed: "It's fine if it's someone else, don't even think about people like them." She turned to look at Aunt Liu, and said: "You should be tougher in the future, there is no need to give in to everything, The more you behave like this, the more they will treat you as a bully."

Aunt Liu sighed: "Is there any way, their family has many brothers, and my husband is the only son, if there is a quarrel, we will be the ones who will suffer, hey - take a step back, let's take a step back, one thing more is worse than one thing less."

The so-called unhealthy tendencies grow stronger in such an environment. They obviously have their own reasons, but they let others ride on their heads to act wildly, and they dare not even let a fart go.

There are not many words to read, and some things are useless to say, they have their own considerations, after all, they live their own lives, and outsiders can't interfere.

She looked at the sky, it was already getting dark, and if she set off to return to the city now, she might be able to advance to the city before the city gate was closed.

"Aunt Liu, I'm going back first, I'll come back tomorrow, you don't have to worry, the child will be fine." She walked into the room and picked up the medicine box on the table and said.

Aunt Liu was a little embarrassed, "I should have kept you for one night, but our house, hey—" There was only one room, and the family of three would sleep on the same bed. If he was left alone, there would be no place to sleep at all.

Reader waved his hand: "It's okay, it's not too far back to the city from here, and besides, I sleep in my bed, if it's not my own bed, I can't sleep anyway." She smiled sincerely, hoping that Aunt Liu would not have any psychological burden.

I don't feel it when it's daylight, but once it starts to get dark, the speed is absolutely fast.

Before she left the village, the sky had already completely darkened.

The road is very wide, the moonlight is very faint, and the scenery under the night sky has a special taste. If it is an ordinary girl, she probably would not dare to walk alone at night. She is different. Even if it's a big tiger, she won't lose her face.

Not long after leaving the village, the sound of horseshoes kicking came from a distance.

In the dark night, she could only see a shadow, but couldn't see anything clearly, but the sound of the horse's hooves gave her a very familiar feeling, as if she had heard it more than once.

She stopped and looked at the black shadow in the distance approaching from far away. The black shadow ran very fast, and when it passed by her, she still couldn't see anything clearly.

But after the horse passed by her, it suddenly stopped not far away, and the man turned the horse's head around, staring straight at her with a pair of eyes that seemed to be full of stars.

(End of this chapter)

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