Chapter 1252

Chapter 1268

She pursed her lips and smiled lightly, "What are you doing here?"

He got off his horse, led the horse and approached her step by step: "I'll take you home."

Her heart was warm, her cheeks were flushed, and she gradually exuded a scorching temperature, "Oh!"

He has always been eloquent, but every time he faces him, he becomes short of words.

He took the medicine box in her hand, pulled the girl sitting on the horse, and walked towards the city gate step by step.

"Aren't you coming up?" After walking for a while, she couldn't help it.

Wan Kun turned to look at her, but he couldn't see his expression clearly in the dark night, only his eyes were shining like stars.

"The night is long, accompanied by a beautiful woman, the journey is slow, and the intention is cherished."

She laughed secretly, it was obviously soft words between lovers, but when it came out of his mouth, there was a rigidity of a schoolteacher, and he didn't know how long this sentence had been pondering in his heart.

She looked up at the sky, and there were clusters of dark clouds that kept sliding across the curved moon, flickering on and off, "If it rains heavily now, I'm afraid you won't be able to relax like this."

Wan Kun said: "That can only prove that the heaven is not beautiful, and it has nothing to do with me. How can my mind be changed because of a rain."

As soon as the words fell, a muffled thunder exploded in the sky. In summer nights, this kind of thunder is not unfamiliar. Generally, shortly after the thunder, the wind will start to blow, followed by heavy rain.

It is the kind of heavy rain that can splash water every drop of rainwater hits the body.

Wan Kun shook his head: "Sure enough, the heavens are not beautiful."

He turned around and walked to the side of the horse, stepped on the horse's back gracefully, and naturally wrapped the reading into his arms. A familiar fragrance of magnolia entered his nose, and he sighed softly in his heart. Why is he only 13 years old, why is he only 13 years old? [-] years old.

The top of the black hair was close in front of his eyes, and he bent down to press a kiss on the soft black hair, so light that it was almost imperceptible.

It is almost imperceptible, not completely imperceptible, Nianwen knew what he did just now, but pretended to be ignorant, his eyes stared straight ahead, his body leaned forward stiffly, to keep the distance between him and him, But after the horse started to run, this kind of distance could not exist at all. Her back was constantly hitting and rubbing against his chest, and the scorching heat spread from her back to her whole body, making everything in her body His blood boiled with it.

The result of blood boiling is, hot, very hot.

Even if the bean-sized raindrops hit her body, they could not extinguish the heat.

When the horse ran to the gate of the city, the gate was closed, and they were all soaked.

Wan Kun got off his horse and knocked on the door. The sound of knocking on the door was drowned out by the rumbling thunder. Even he himself could not hear the knocking on the door, and no one responded to him at all.

Nian Wen also got off the horse, his wet clothes clinging to his body, making him feel unspeakably uncomfortable.

"How?" she asked.

Wan Kun said: "It seems that we can't enter the city tonight. Let's go to the post station." There is a post station not far away.

Nian Wen glanced at the high and wide city wall. With her and Wan Kun's skills, it is not difficult to pass through, but it seems that it is not good to do so, and it is even more difficult to explain if the soldiers guarding the city see it.

"Okay, let's go to the station." She nodded.

The two got on the horse again, and Wan Kun put the drenched robe over her head, which could somewhat block the rain.

Just when she was about to say no, he had already galloped the horse between his legs, not giving her a chance to refuse at all.

(End of this chapter)

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