Chapter 1253
Chapter 1269

The post station was brightly lit, although it was thundering and raining, but Xiaoer still guarded under the bright porch, and when he saw someone riding a horse into the yard, he immediately opened an oil-paper umbrella to greet him.

He handed the opened oil-paper umbrella to Wan Kun, and he led the horse to the stable in the rain.

Wan Kun held the umbrella with one hand, and tore off the clothes covering her head with the other to protect her body. After all, she was a girl, and her clothes were thin in summer, so it was always a bit indecent to be wet by the rain.

Nian Wen was shivering from the cold, the previous heat had long since disappeared, she just wanted to speak, but when she opened her mouth, there was a big sneeze.

Wan Kun frowned, hurriedly dragged her into the post station, and said to the shopkeeper who came up to him, "Two guest rooms."

The shopkeeper looked apologetic: "I'm really sorry, a caravan moved in just now, and there is only one guest room left. Both of them are sons, so it shouldn't be a problem to make do with one room, right?"

Wan Kun glanced at the man who sneezed several times in a row, nodded and said, "One room is fine. Bring hot water right away, and I'll trouble you to find us two clean clothes."

The shopkeeper said hello again and again, seeing that the man leading the horse just came back, he said, "Xiao Liu, go and bring the hot water to the Nanba room, the guest officer will use it soon."

Xiao Liu turned around and went, and the shopkeeper led Wan Kun and Nianwen up to the third floor. The south sixth room was the sixth room on the south side, and it was also the innermost room on this floor. It seemed that the shopkeeper didn't lie.

The room is not big, only a bed, a table and two chairs, a small desk and an old chair with peeling paint under the window, a double-layer wooden cabinet with the height of one person, and a narrow room that can only hold a bucket and a low stool. bathroom.

Perhaps in order to save money, there is only a thin curtain between the bathroom and the room, and there is not even a door.

That Xiaoliu was quick to do things. After a while, he went upstairs with two steaming wooden buckets. After pouring water into the wooden buckets, he trotted downstairs again, and then brought two buckets of water and put them outside the bathroom. , and cover it with a thick cloth to prevent it from getting cold after a while.

"Guest officers, the bath water for both of you is ready, do you have any other orders?"

Wan Kun said: "Our clothes are both wet, can you help us find two clean clothes?"

Xiao Er nodded: "Okay, Xiao Er will go now."

Wan Kun stuffed a silver ingot into Xiaoer's hand: "I'm sorry."

Xiao Er was flattered, this was not the first time he received a reward, but it was the first time he received so much reward, he grinned happily.

As soon as Xiaoer left, Wan Kun hurriedly tore off the wet clothes that protected Nianwen's body, touched her arm with his hand, and found her body trembling slightly: "Cold?"

She nodded: "A little bit."

He pushed her into the bathroom: "Go and soak in the hot water, it won't work if you get sick later."

Nian Wen smiled and said, "What are you afraid of when you are sick? We are all doctors."

Wan Kun frowned, "So what about doctors? Doctors are human beings, and they are also made of flesh and blood. We doctors have to suffer the same pains that other people suffer when they get sick. It won't change just because you are a doctor."

That's true, what she hates the most is taking bitter medicine, the most annoying thing.

Wan Kun pushed her into the bathroom, closed the curtain, and said, "You can rest assured to soak for a while to dissipate the cold. I'll be outside. If you want to heat the water, tell me, and I'll deliver it for you."

Nianwen's face started to feel hot again, and he hurriedly said, "No need, this hot water is enough."

Wan Kun didn't answer, thinking that this girl must be blushing like a monkey's ass now, it's a pity that she couldn't see it, so he pursed his lips and snickered.

(End of this chapter)

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