Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1254 How long is one lifetime?

Chapter 1254 How long is a lifetime?
Chapter 1270

Nianwen immersed her whole body in hot water. After being drenched by the rain, her cold body finally slowly returned to warmth. Her hair was also wet and dyed. She simply let her hair loose and soaked it in the water. There was a knock on the door from Xiaoer, as if clean clothes had been delivered.

Wan Kun walked quickly outside the bathroom, "Xiao Er said that he could wash and dry our clothes for us, so that we can wear our own clothes when we leave tomorrow."

Originally, the post station didn't have this service, but Xiao Er felt sorry for not doing more after taking so much reward money, so she offered to help them wash and dry their clothes.

Nian Wen sank his body down and said, "Come in and get it, don't peek."

Wan Kun smiled lowly: "What do you have to look at? You have some, but I don't?"

Nian Wen blushed and didn't speak, saw him coming in with a calm expression, picked up the clothes from the low stool, turned around and went out, sure enough, he didn't look sideways, if he looked closely, his cheeks seemed to be flushed too.

He is also shy?
Wan Kun took out her wet clothes and went out. She heard the sound of the door closing outside, so she stood up from the water, reached out to get the clothes on the low stool outside, and touched the clean surface of the stool. It was indeed very clean, and there was nothing there. .

She was taken aback, he took away the wet clothes, but didn't put the clean clothes on?

When she was taking a bath at home, when Dong'er came in to pick up dirty clothes, she would put the clean clothes by the bucket at the same time. . .

When she was in a daze, the light in front of her eyes brightened, Wan Kun hugged her clothes and pulled up the curtain and entered, their startled eyes collided, Wan Kun's eyes involuntarily slid down her face slowly. . .

Nian Wen quickly sank back into the water, embarrassed and angry: "Hey, you didn't say hello when you came in?"

Wan Kun swallowed into his dry throat, "Didn't you say hello just now? Who knew you would--"

He hastily put the clothes in his hands on the low stool, turned around quickly and went out, trying his best to suppress the beating heart and the hot blood surging from his lower abdomen.

"I'll go out and see if there's anything to eat." He dropped the words and hurried away.

Nianwen opened his mouth to call him, but just as he opened his mouth, he heard the door slam shut outside.

"This guy, why worry? He's still wearing a wet suit. He should be the one who will get sick soon."

She got up quickly, put on the men's clothes that didn't fit well, sat under the window and wiped her hair carefully.

After a while, Wan Kun came back, holding a bowl of ginger soup in his hand, which was steaming hot, obviously just out of the pot.

He put ginger soup on the table and walked behind her: "I'll help you."

"No, I can do it myself." She refused, but he still pulled the cloth towel in her hand.

He wiped her hair carefully, strands, strands, delicate and affectionate.

"From now on, I will wrap your wet hair and wipe it for you forever." He said suddenly.

She looked at Wan Kun in the mirror, with seriousness written on her slightly smiling face.

She asked, "How long is a lifetime?"

He smiled: "From now until the time I die."

Who can tell exactly how long a lifetime is, some people have many lifetimes, and some people have very short lifetimes, maybe ten years, 20 years, 60 years, or 100 years.

He can't tell her how long his life is, but he can promise that in his lifetime, he will love her as much as he does now, and it will never change.

(End of this chapter)

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