Chapter 1255 Warm feelings

Chapter 1271

"A person who usually looks quite serious, why did he suddenly become like this." She suppressed the joy in her eyes and sighed.

Wan Kun raised his eyebrows, staring at the girl in the mirror who looked like a pink peach: "How has it changed?"

She smiled lowly: "I won't say anything, you know it well."

The two chatted without saying a word, a warm affection, I don't know when, it began to flow slowly between the eyebrows and eyes that read the text, it can't be said to be strong, but it is everywhere.

"Okay, I've made a bowl of ginger soup for you, drink it while it's hot."

He pulled her up and let her sit at the small round table.

There were a few pieces of light yellow ginger floating in the yellow soup, and there was nothing else. It didn't taste good at first glance. She frowned and shook her head: "I don't want to drink this."

Wan Kun said, "Be obedient."

She shook her head: "No, I'm fine, I didn't catch a cold, nothing happened at all."

Wan Kun sat down in front of her, stared into her eyes, and asked each word: "So, do you want me to feed you?" His eyes glanced at the bowl of ginger soup, and he pursed his lips and said: " I forgot to take a spoon just now, it seems that I have to feed it with my mouth."

Without further ado, Lianwen picked up the bowl immediately, and took a big gulp with a gulp, almost choking to death, coughing until tears flew across his face, his face flushed.

He sighed, and reached out to pat her on the back: "Why are you in a hurry? If you like it, there are still in the kitchen, no one will snatch it from you."

It took me a long time to read the text before I finally recovered my breath, good guy, this is ginger soup, it doesn't matter if you choke on the tea, ginger soup is very spicy.

He touched his bosom, except for a few wet banknotes, there was nothing else, and the handkerchief he had on his body, along with the wet clothes, was given to Xiao Er to wash.

He had no choice but to pull his sleeves to wipe her tears: "Look, such a big person can still cry after drinking ginger soup. It's a ridiculous joke to say it."

Nian Wen gave him a sideways glance, and said angrily: "It's not you who said those irrelevant words, which caused me to choke in a hurry and almost choked to death."

Wan Kun fondled her forehead, looked back at the two buckets outside the bathroom, and said, "Drink slowly, I'm going to take a bath, the water will be cold soon."

It wasn't until Wan Kun's figure completely disappeared in front of her eyes that she picked up the soup bowl again and took a couple of sips. There was no other taste except spicy. She heard the sound of water coming from the bathroom, so she took the bowl and went quietly Go to the window.

Wan Kun's deep voice came from the bathroom: "Don't forget, there is still a whole bowl of ginger steam in the kitchen. If you pour it down, I will let you drink two more bowls."

She pursed her lips, turned around helplessly, obediently drank half of the bowl, and soon began to sweat.

Wan Kun heard the sound of the bowl being placed on the table, and said again: "There is a clean cloth towel on the bed, use it to wipe your sweat."

She complained: Did this guy have a pair of clairvoyant eyes?How can you know everything?
When Wan Kun came out of the shower, Nian Wen was already lying on the bed and fell asleep, still holding a half-wet cloth towel in his hand.

He sighed, hurriedly threw down the cloth towel for wiping his hair, walked quickly to Nianwen, and pulled the thin quilt from the corner of the bed to cover her: I slept so soundly and snored a little, it seems that I am really tired today up.

Looking at the sleeping Nianwen, looking at her beautiful side face, and her slender body wrapped in a thin quilt, thinking of the scene he saw in the bathroom earlier, he swallowed hard, and the pain in his lower abdomen was finally calmed down. The flame was ignited again.

(End of this chapter)

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