Chapter 1257
Chapter 1273

After diagnosing the child's pulse, she took out the medicine bag in the room, and prepared a few medicines for Aunt Liu, "Aunt Liu, just take these medicines, eat less greasy food these days, eat more Light food, don't worry too much."

Aunt Liu thanked her repeatedly, but her eyes were red and she didn't know what to say. Her family was poor, not only could she not afford the consultation fees, she didn't even have the money to buy medicines. I don't know how to thank him.

Read the text: "You don't need to thank me, it's not that I don't charge money."

Aunt Liu's face immediately froze, she was very embarrassed, and she didn't know how to answer the question.

Read the text and said: "I see that the red peppers in your backyard are growing very well. I just want to eat them today. Why don't you give me some red peppers, but they are used as medicine, how about it?"

Aunt Liu suddenly realized that the tears in her eyes could not be restrained from falling. Dr. Chu said that she would use chili peppers to pay for the medicine because she didn't want her to be burdened.

"I'll go right away, I'll go right away." She wiped her tears and went to the backyard. When she came back, she was carrying a basket full of red peppers. Depending on the situation, she should have picked all the peppers from their garden. None left.

People like them rely on the fields for their livelihoods. These peppers are their daily source of income to subsidize their families. If she took them all, wouldn't it make their family's life even more difficult?

Reading the text saw a small bamboo basket in the corner of the hall, much smaller than the bamboo basket in Aunt Liu's hand, she hurriedly fetched the bamboo basket from the corner, and said with a smile: "I'll take this big basket of yours. It's also inconvenient, and I have to go to another house to see a doctor in a while, so let's pretend like this."

Aunt Liu had no choice but to take the bamboo basket in her hand, and filled the small bamboo basket with only one-third full.

Carrying the remaining red pepper in her hand, Aunt Liu watched Doctor Chu and Mr. Wan who was traveling with him leave the house, with tears streaming down her eyes.

The son walked up to her and tugged at Aunt Liu's sleeve: "Mother, why are you crying? Did those two big brothers bully you just now?"

Aunt Liu shook her head: "No, of course not, they are all good people, very good people, son, you have to remember that when you grow up, you have to be a good person like Dr. Chu."

Nianwen came to a green brick house. In such a village, there are not many blue brick houses. Most villagers live in adobe houses. Those who can live in a blue brick house must have a rich family.

The woman she tripped over yesterday was drying clothes in the yard, and the gate was still open, so she went straight in and said to the woman, "Sister-in-law, let me see your child."

The woman looked happy at first, and then thought to herself: "He will come now, is he here to collect the consultation fee? Ordinarily, if you invite him to see a doctor, you should pay some consultation fee, but he didn't come to see the child at home at all yesterday. , why give him a consultation fee?"

The woman coughed and said: "Well, my child is fine. He is not sick. Don't worry about it. You should go to another house to have a look."

Reading Wen raised her eyebrows, her eyes glanced at the woman indifferently, "Alright, sister-in-law, please be busy."

Seeing him turn around and leave without saying a word, the woman muttered instead: "Why is he so straightforward? Shouldn't he ask her for a consultation fee? After all, she also participated in the city yesterday when he was invited to the city for treatment. I also went to Wanwutang with the big guys."

As soon as she left, she immediately went to her neighbor's house. The neighbor's house was not as good as hers, and her family's wealth was not as rich as hers. She was often bullied by her. Seeing her here now, she naturally didn't have a good face.

(End of this chapter)

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