Chapter 1258
Chapter 1274

"Lu Erniang, Doctor Chu came here just now?"

Lu Erniang stopped picking vegetables, raised her eyes and glanced at her: "Come here, what's the matter?"

"How much did you pay for the consultation?" She asked with a smile.

Lu Erniang threw the beans in her hand, and said with a half-smile: "Then how much did you pay for the consultation, Ping'erniang?"

Ping'er's mother said: "He didn't see a doctor for my Ping'er, why should I pay for his consultation? He didn't pay him any money."

Lu Erniang just gave her a disdainful look and didn't answer.

Ping'erniang asked again: "What about you? I saw him come out of your house just now, how much did you pay him for the consultation?"

Lu Erniang said: "Doctor Chu left after seeing the child. He didn't ask for money at all. I asked him how much he wanted to pay, and he told me no, not even a single penny."

When Ping'er's mother heard this, she almost didn't regret it. She felt that she had lost a lot of money. If she had known that he didn't want money at all, how could she let him go like this? She has diarrhea again, but her complexion is still very bad. If she can let him feel his pulse or something, she can feel relieved.

Thinking of this, Ping'erniang turned around and followed Dr. Chu's footsteps.

Just as Nianwen came out of another family's house, he had another bamboo basket in his hand, which contained fresh cucumbers and tomatoes.

Ping'er's mother stopped her: "Chu, Doctor Chu, please come back with me, my Ping'er is not well, please help me take a look."

Nian Wen raised her eyebrows: "Didn't you just say she's fine? It's only been a while, why is something wrong?"

Ping'erniang said with a dry smile: "Just now I was busy with work, so I didn't go into the house to see her, now I will go in after finishing the work, the child's complexion is very bad, and I don't have much energy, I just want you to take a look and compare her." Well, as adults, we can rest assured."

Read the text and nodded: "That's right, let's go and have a look."

Ping'erniang was overjoyed, thinking that a doctor who is free of charge is useless, and it is useless if used.

After entering the house, read the text to check the little girl's pulse, the pulse condition is quite stable, but the Qi and blood are very weak, if not properly recuperated, it is very likely that the root cause of the disease will fall.

"How is it?" Ping'erniang asked anxiously.

Read the text and said: "She is too young, the diarrhea must have been severe this time, and the matrix has been damaged, but as long as she takes good care of her, she will still get better."

She took out a pen and paper from the medicine box, and wrote a prescription for her: "This is a prescription for warming and tonic. You follow the prescription and take the medicine for her. It will take at least seven days."

Although Ping'erniang didn't read books, she could read a few words. She couldn't read other words in the prescription, but she could still read the words "Fadi Angelica" and "Ginseng", and she also knew how expensive these things were.

She laughed a few times, "Well, how much money does this medicine cost?"

Read the text and said: "Not many, just three or four. Although ginseng is used, each medicine only needs a few slices. There are cut ginseng slices in the pharmacy, and the price is also cheap."

When Ping'erniang heard about three or four taels of silver for a set of medicine, she was so frightened that she almost threw away the prescription in her hand, "This, it's so expensive, we can't afford it."

A set of medicine costs three or four taels of silver. If she only takes one medicine, she can just grit her teeth, but he said that she needs to take it for at least seven days.

Read the text and shrugged: "Whatever you want, if you want your daughter to suffer from the root cause of the disease, just leave it alone." After saying that, she turned around to leave. Packing the medicine, he stopped her way with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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