Chapter 1259

Chapter 1275

"Doctor Chu, as the saying goes, saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. Please help us."

Read the text and looked at her puzzled: "You said help, how do you help?"

Ping'er's mother smiled and said: "Look, don't you have a pack of medicine in your hand, there must be some medicine that Ping'er can use, right?"

She nodded: "Yes, yes."

Ping'er's mother became more and more happy: "So, since you have the medicine for Ping'er here, why should I go to someone else to buy it? Just give it to me?"

Read the text and nodded: "It makes sense, if I didn't sell it, wouldn't I have to carry it back to the city?"

Ping'erniang noticed that what he said was selling, not giving. . .She forced a smile and said, "Doctor Chu, you have seen the situation of our family, this—"

Nianwen glanced at the clean and tidy house, which was many times better than Aunt Liu's house, she nodded: "I see, it's pretty good, it's the best I've seen since I entered this village, I think your house must be better than other people's house. Be rich."

Ping'erniang hurriedly shook her head: "No, no, no, no, don't think our house seems to be better than those adobe houses. In order to build this house, our family owed a whole lot of debt and lived on porridge every day. , I haven't cut a new dress for many years, I-"

The eyes of reading the text fell on her body, and swept up and down, the clothes on her body were not old, there was not a single patch, and the style was fresher than other women.

Ping'erniang laughed dryly: "This is not a new dress, the little girl I married to the city didn't want it, I picked it up and wore it."

"Oh, really?" She shrugged, unimpressed.

At this time, a five or six-year-old boy walked into the room, holding two big meat buns in his hands, and his mouth was full of greasy food.

"Mom, grandma asked me to ask you, should the pork belly bought in the morning be cooked or stewed?"

Ping'erniang's face immediately changed, and she glared at the little boy, "What nonsense are you talking about? We don't have pork belly at home, hurry up, don't mess around here."

Lianwen sneered: "Drink porridge every day? These meat buns are really delicious."

The little boy was going to leave, but when he heard what Reader said, he turned around again, and handed an uneaten meat bun in his hand to Reader: "I'll eat it for you, I made a lot of milk. .”

Reading Wen rubbed the boy's hair, and said with a smile, "I won't eat it, you can eat it yourself, go play, we adults still have something to say."

The little boy withdrew his hand, blinked his bright eyes, and said with a smile, "Brother, you look so good-looking."

"Brother, can I touch your face?"

Just as he was about to say yes, Wan Kun behind him coughed, and said to the boy, "Little guy, look at your oily hands, go wash it off."

The little boy withdrew his hand, looked at his little hand, it was really shiny, he stuffed the bun into his mother's hand, turned around and ran away.

Reading the text, he turned his gaze back to Ping'erniang, and said, "Do you still want to buy the medicine?"

Ping'erniang now hates her son in her heart, if this brat hadn't come to make trouble, this might have happened.

"Buy, I'll buy, tell me, how much does it cost?" The compliment on her face gradually cooled down, revealing an expression of impatience.

"Three taels of silver a pair. This is the price when I picked up the medicine from the pharmacy. You didn't make money."

Ping'erniang frowned: "Just now you said that you can buy it at the pharmacy for only three or four taels of silver, why is it that price when you buy it from you?"

(End of this chapter)

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