Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1260 You are lucky this time

Chapter 1260 You are lucky this time
Chapter 1276

Read the text and said: "Why do you think it will be cheaper to buy it from me? I have just told you that my medicine is taken from the pharmacy. I will sell you as much as they sell me. , Why, is it possible that I was invited by you from the city to see a doctor, and it’s fine if I don’t earn your money, and I have to lose money?”

The woman knew that she was being unreasonable, so she laughed twice: "That's not it, it's not that I just heard from the neighbor that you don't need money to see a doctor for their child, so, so you can't treat them differently."

Discrimination?Ha ha - I like to be treated differently!
Nianwen frowned, and said displeasedly: "Your neighbor's child doesn't need to take tonic, I just went to give him a pulse, so I didn't charge for the consultation fee, why? I charged you for the consultation fee? Let's talk later Come back, if I am willing to treat it differently, that is my own business. I can do whatever I like, can you control it? Forget it, you better not buy it from me, so as not to say that my medicine is sold later. It’s expensive, you’d better go to the pharmacy in the city to buy it.”

After saying that, she pulled Wan Kun and walked out. When she touched Wan Kun with her hand, she could feel his abnormally high body temperature even through the material of the clothes.

She looked back at him, his mental state was obviously different from the past, and the tiredness in his brows could not be concealed no matter how he tried.

He looked back at her and smiled faintly, "I'm fine."

She secretly blamed herself for wasting too much time here just now, and she shouldn't waste precious time on such a woman.

Two hours later, she visited all the families in the village. The children were fine, but they were still weak, and they would recover after a few days of care. She was relieved, and finally she and Wan Kun could leave here with peace of mind.

After Nianwen left, a few villagers gathered together, "It's really ashamed to say that Dr. Chu was begged by us yesterday, but she really came, and she also prescribed medicine for our child's illness, and even asked her to help her." The root cause is out, and we, not to mention paying her for a normal consultation, didn't even leave her a meal."

"Who said it wasn't? I heard that she also distributed all the medicine she brought with her to a few families in our village who lived in difficulties. Doctors like him are really rare now."

"What's the use of saying this now? What did you do before? Everyone huddled at home and pretended to be stupid. Now that people are gone, who are you talking about?"

An old man passed by them, listened to their conversation, shook his head and said, "That's why those medical clinics in the city turned you away. Fengchi, so many adults and children are sick. Didn’t you also go to the city to find a doctor? The doctor is here. You are the same as this time. You don’t ask for consultation fees and medicine fees. The doctor asks you for it. You all presume that your family is poor and can’t afford it, so if you dare to love your doctor, you should pay for your doctor’s treatment?”

"Fortunately, you are lucky to meet Dr. Chu. Otherwise, no one will come to the village to see a doctor even if you cry your throat out. This is all caused by you."

What the old man said was reasonable and irrefutable. They also knew this truth, but when they thought of taking money from home, they were absolutely unwilling. . .

Seeing them like this, the old man didn't say anything more, shook his head, sighed and walked away.

(End of this chapter)

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