Chapter 1262

Chapter 1278

"Since you miss them, go back, sooner or later you will go back."

Read the text and shook his head: "No, Rongyu Hall was turned into ruins because of me, and now it has just been rebuilt, I must make Rongyu Hall on the right track before I can leave with peace of mind."

Wan Kun shrugged: "It's up to you, anyway, no matter what you decide, I will be with you."

She chuckled and rubbed her belly: "I'm hungry, the cook's dishes are not to my liking, and I'm not full for dinner."

Wan Kun scratched her nose and said with a smile: "You, you are not full on purpose, and you are waiting to eat the beef noodles I made?"

She giggled, "Who told you that the beef noodles you make are so delicious, you can't wait to eat them three times a day."

Wan Kun waved his hand: "That's not okay, how can you eat noodles for three meals a day, and you will get tired of eating after a few days, then I learned this good craft for nothing, and I can't show my hospitality."

"As the saying goes, less food tastes more, but too much food has no taste." Wan Kun clapped his hands, turned and went to the kitchen.

Nianwen looked up at the bright moon in the sky, thinking of the time when he was a child admiring the moon in the garden with his parents, the family was really happy when they were together.

She has been away from home for so long, her parents must have missed her too, she must get Rong Yu Tang on the right track as soon as possible, so that she can return to her parents as soon as possible and spend as much time with them as possible.

A gust of cold wind blew up from the ground, blowing up from under the cloak, and she shivered from the cold.

She tightened her cloak, turned around and walked into the hall, just a few steps away, suddenly there was a suspicious wind behind her.

Martial arts practitioners are very sensitive to suspicious sounds. When she heard such a sound, she reacted quickly, slipped her footsteps, and swept her body to the corner of the wall, keeping her back tightly against the wall to avoid being attacked in the dark.

Two tall black shadows fell in the courtyard, the long swords in their hands gleamed coldly under the moonlight, both of them covered their faces, and their eyes exposed outside the cloth scarves were shining fiercely.

Nian Wen asked in a deep voice, "Who?"

"Desperate man." The other man on the left responded, his voice was extremely cold, and his words fell into a sword, as ruthless as a ghost chaser from hell.

Immediately afterwards, the other person also raised his long sword and read the text between the left and the right.

She tore off the cloak on her body, quickly spun the cloak into a cloth stick, and used the cloth stick to meet the opponent.

The two opponents looked the same tall and the same fierce, but their martial arts were very different, one was quick and fierce, the other was light but lacked in hand skills.

This also gave Nianwen a reprieve, so he didn't have to deal with two martial arts masters at the same time.

Wan Kun, who heard the noise in the kitchen, rushed out and immediately joined the battle. The battle was quickly brought under control, and the two men in black wanted to escape but had already lost their chance.

Wan Kun used the fastest speed to subdue the black clothes with high martial arts skills, and the other black clothes with light kung fu fell into Nian Wen's hands.

"Who sent you here?" Wan Kun asked in a deep voice.

The mask has been torn off, but it is an ordinary face that has never been seen before, but it is extremely ferocious.

"Kill if you want to kill, cut if you want to cut, don't talk nonsense."

"What a dignified appearance, today I—" Before Wan Kun finished speaking, the man in black knelt on the ground and slowly fell down.

Wan Kun said anxiously: "The teeth are poisonous, squeeze his mouth quickly." Wan Kun shouted at the text.

Reading the text also thought of this episode. When Wan Kun spoke, her hand had already pinched Wan Kun's chin, but it was still a step too late. She watched wisps of black blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth, and her body slowly fall down.

(End of this chapter)

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