Chapter 1263
Chapter 1279

After reading the text, they quickly took out the needle packs from their sleeve pockets, but Wan Kun said, "It's useless, this is the red crest of the crane. Seeing blood seal their throats, they are already dead."

He frowned, picked up the long sword that fell on the ground and looked at it carefully: "This sword is finely crafted and made of exquisite materials. It is not something that can be bought in ordinary weapon shops."

Nian Wen also picked up another sword to check in his hand, frowned and said: "But there is no mark on this sword, so we can't find out its origin at all."

Wan Kun nodded: "That's right, the shape of this sword is also an ordinary one. Although the material is exquisite, it is not difficult to find in the world. It seems that they came prepared." He leaned over to search the bodies of the two, and there was nothing. turn up.

Nian Wen said: "Although these two people have different martial arts strengths, they are very rigorous in their actions. Each move is ruthless and ruthless, like a specially trained killer, and this time their goal is very clear. The person they want to kill it is me."

Who exactly wanted her life?
Wan Kun said: "It seems that someone is following you. If this is not the case, I can't go back to Rongyu Hall. I should stay in Wanwu Hall."

Nian Wen shook his head: "No, I have to go back to Rongyu Hall, so that they will have a chance to make a second attack. I will definitely catch someone alive and torture them to find out the reason."

The next day, Rongyu Hall was refurbished and opened, and a long string of firecrackers was set off. Yin Yixuan brought Yin Shuwei to congratulate him early on, and deliberately let everyone know that Chu Wen's medical skills are not inferior to Qi Rongyue more than ten years ago.

Yin Shuwei looked around the hall, and couldn't help laughing: "It's not different from what you saw last time. It seems that you have rebuilt it according to the original appearance."

Read Wen smiled and said: "Of course, this is my mother's favorite style, how can I change it arbitrarily."

Yin Shuwei glanced at the stairs on one side, and asked with a smile, "Can I go upstairs and have a look?"

It was a bit embarrassing to read the text: "Upstairs is my residence and study, and there is nothing to see, so don't go." She remembered that there were still Dong'er's folded clothes on the bed, and on top was a bellyband worn by women. She didn't want Yin Shuwei to see it.

Yin Shuwei smiled and said: "It's not a boudoir of a woman's house, so I'm not allowed to see it, but I want to see it." After he finished speaking, he walked towards the stairs.

Nian Wen was about to stop him, but Yin Yixuan reprimanded him: "Shu Wei, Chu Wen said it's inconvenient, why are you so reckless, you don't have any rules."

Yin Shuwei sighed, and cast a dissatisfied glance at the text: "Look, even my father is on your side."

At this time, someone came in from the gate of Rongyu Hall. She looked sideways and found that it was King Jin who hadn't been invited. She was a little surprised: "Uncle Min? Why are you here?"

Min Hengzhi glanced over Yin Yixuan who was sitting in the hall drinking tea, and finally landed on Nianwen. He said with a faint smile, "Rongyu Hall is open, so I will naturally come."

The guard behind him came forward with a food box, looked up and down the text, and sighed: "When I saw you, I was still a baby. I didn't expect it to be so big in the blink of an eye. He smiled and handed over the food box: "This is the sweet new year's milk that the prince went to buy early in the morning. It was your favorite drink when you were young."

Reader Wen continued with a smile: "Thank you Uncle, thank you Uncle Min."

There was a gentle smile in Min Hengzhi's eyes full of vicissitudes: "As long as you like it."

At this time Yin Yixuan led Yin Shuwei to meet the ceremony.

Even after more than ten years, Min Hengzhi still has no good looks towards Yin Yixuan, every time he sees him, he will think of the past.

(End of this chapter)

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