Chapter 1264 Autumn Leaf Building

Chapter 1280

"Yin Yixuan, you really have a thick skin." He cast a cold glance at the father and son, then walked to the chair beside him and sat down.

Yin Shuwei didn't know the grievances between the two back then, but he couldn't bear to see his father being humiliated by King Jin's words.

"Prince Jin, my father has been an official in Jincheng these years. You have caused my father many obstacles, both openly and secretly. My father has never bothered with you. Why are you humiliating me with your words now?" Yin Shu only way.

"Why exactly?" Min Hengzhi raised his eyebrows and glanced aggressively at Yin Yixuan, "I'm not Zheng Zhongwen, I don't have his big stomach, and I don't have the kind of deep friendship between you, I always hold grudges, some things , I will never forget it for the rest of my life.”

Yin Yixuan was full of bitterness. He was indeed the one who did it back then, and Min Hengzhi hated him. He was not surprised at all, and he didn't feel wronged. This is also the reason why he never fought back even though he knew that Min Hengzhi had tripped him up in Jincheng.

"Prince Jin, I have something else to do, let's go first." He stood up, winked at Yin Shuwei, and then left Rongyu Hall quickly.

Continuing to stay will only give Min Hengzhi more opportunities and embarrass him even more.

Yin Shuwei had no choice but to say goodbye to Nianwen hurriedly and leave Rongyu Hall.

"Father, what did you do back then, why does King Jin hate you so much?"

Yin Yixuan didn't want to mention unnecessary things, especially in front of his own son, that was his darkest history, he wished he had never done such a thing.

"It's all over, I don't want to mention it again." He closed his eyes, trying to forget something while the carriage was bumping.


Kyoto, Shangguanfu.

A girl hurried into Cuiping Residence where Sun Liuliu lived.

Sun Liuliu was leaning on the soft pillow to read an idle book, absorbed in it, when she suddenly heard the sound of the door opening, which shocked the book in her hand.

She clutched her chest and said, "Damn girl, scare me."

Xiaohuan hurried to Sun Liuliu's side, bowed her head and whispered a few words.

Sun Liuliu immediately turned pale, and said in surprise: "Is this true?"

Xiaohuan nodded: "It's absolutely true, what Mr. Song of Qiuye Building said back and forth."

Sun Liuliu's slender and beautiful brows were tightly knit together, her complexion turned slightly pale: "Damn it, she's actually so good at kung fu."

Xiaohuan asked: "What should we do now? The Qiuye Building said that we didn't tell them the truth, which caused them to lose two strong generals, and made us lose money."

Sun Liuliu was trembling with anger, "A bunch of trash, they can't even handle a woman, and they have the nerve to ask me for money. Are they crazy about money?"

Having said that, she was thinking about how much money she still had at her disposal. She couldn't feel at ease if that woman wasn't removed.

Next month will be the New Year's Eve, and she will definitely return to Beijing. By that time, the crown prince will not look at her more, and she absolutely cannot bear it.

As long as that woman is dead, as long as she is dead, the prince will give up on her, and will naturally set his sights on her.

She touched her chubby belly, "Son, mother did all this for you."

She said to Xiaohuan: "Bring me my Eight Treasure Box."

The eight-treasure box contained all her dowry, besides a few pieces of real estate deeds from the storehouse, there was also a small pile of banknotes. The mother was afraid that she would be looked down upon by the Marquis of Xianguang, so she put all her strength into giving her the dowry. .

She took out a stack of silver bills from the Eight Treasure Box, counted them, and stuffed them all into Xiaohuan's hands: "Go and get it to Manager Song, let him finish this matter for me no matter what, and never let her return to the capital alive." .”

(End of this chapter)

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