Chapter 1265 Losing Money
Chapter 1281

As soon as the new year is over, her child will be born, and she will never allow anyone to destroy her life and her child's life.

Mu Cangju

Shangguan Nuo asked the boy who had just entered the door: "Did you find out?"

The servant nodded: "I found out, the person who is standing next to the palace said that the Princess has not returned to Beijing."

Shangguan Nuo looked disappointed, and then asked again: "Did you say when you will return to Beijing?"

The boy shook his head: "No, he doesn't know, after all, this is the master's business."

"Do you know where she is now?" Shangguan Nuo asked again.

The servant shook his head again: "I don't know." Seeing the prince's face changing, he hurriedly said: "But I heard that the princess is very filial, and next month will be the New Year's Eve, and she will definitely come back to celebrate the New Year with the prince and princess."

Shangguan Nuo's face softened a little, yes, yes, next month is the end of the year, she should be back.

Thinking of this, he was both happy and distressed. It was a good thing for her to come back. What could he say after seeing her?How to explain the fact that he married Sun Liuliu right after she left?How to relieve Sun Liuliu's big belly that is about to give birth.

He waved his hand: "Retire, I'm tired."

As if the servant had been granted an amnesty, he hurriedly left Mu Cangju, wiped his sweat secretly, and finally passed the test. It is not so easy to inquire about the affairs of the side-by-side palace. The people inside are very strict about the matter of the master. , couldn't ask anything, but he didn't dare to deal with it like this, so he had to be half-baked.

I just hope that Princess Changle must return to Beijing next month, otherwise his life will be really difficult.

In mid-November, Jincheng ushered in the first heavy snowfall, Rongyutang's business gradually improved, and the people in Jincheng began to spread the name of Rongyutang's little genius doctor again, which was different from Qi Rongyue more than ten years ago, Dr. Chu doesn't care about money, and she is very casual about receiving fees for seeing a doctor. She is almost doing a loss-making business, and she doesn't know that she is losing money, and she thinks she has made a lot of money. . .

The staff in the hall couldn’t stand it any longer, and finally plucked up the courage to say to Chu Wen, “Doctor Chu, I know that you have a kind heart and only think about the common people, but our Rongyu Hall is a medical clinic for business after all, not Relief Hall, if this continues, the hole will only get bigger and bigger."

Read the text puzzled: "hole? What hole? What do you mean by that?"

The buddy was dumbfounded, he dared to worry for so long, it was all in vain, doctor Chu didn't know about it at all.

"Doctor Chu, you have been sitting in Rongyu Hall these days, and you have seen many patients, but you seldom collect consultation fees, and the money for medicines is also very casual. Do you know that Rongyu Hall has only been reopened for a month, and our Rongyu Hall has lost money?" How much did you pay?"

"Losing money? Aren't we making money?" She was in a daze, never thinking about this question.

The clerk sighed: "Where are we going to make money? You don't charge for consultation fees when you see a doctor, and you can't even get back the cost price of selling medicines. You still have to pay us guys for wages. This Rongyu Hall is losing money every day. When will made money?"

"Then why didn't you say it sooner?"

The man said, "I thought you knew about it."

Nian Wen asked, "Then do you know how much money we lost?"

The clerk shook his head: "I don't know, Mr. Wan has always held the account books of Rongyu Hall, and he is the one who feeds the medicine and pays the wages. You can ask Mr. Wan, he must know."

So, all the money she lost these days was given by Wan Kun?Why have you never heard of him?
(End of this chapter)

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