Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1267 What is our relationship?

Chapter 1267 What is our relationship?
Chapter 1283

Nian Wen came out of the consultation room with the medicine box in hand, and seeing the two confronting each other again, he shook his head and said, "You guys, every time we meet, you quarrel, could it be that you were enemies in your previous life?"

Yin Shuwei snorted: "I dare not take it seriously."

He turned his eyes to read the text, his eyes softened, and he smiled lightly: "Are you ready?"

Read the text and nodded, then said to Wan Kun: "Do you want to go together?" He had just arrived, so he couldn't bear to leave him like this.

Wan Kun shook his head: "I'm tired, take a rest in your room, remember to come back early, I'll cook something delicious for you."

The conversation between the two was no different from the conversation between the newlyweds. Yin Shuwei looked at Chu Wen in surprise, saw that her face was calm, and there was no other reaction, so she nodded readily: "Okay, I Today I want to eat hot and sour fish."

Yin Shuwei didn't wake up from the shock until he got on the carriage to the government office. He looked at Chu Wen who was sitting opposite, and suddenly asked, "Chu Wen, what is the relationship between you and Wan Kun?"

Nianwen raised her eyebrows, with a smile on her lips: "What do you think our relationship is?"

Yin Shuwei shook his head: "In the past, you said that he was your uncle. The two of you grew up together. I thought your relationship was like that of ordinary brothers and sisters, but now it seems."

"How does it look now?" She asked with a smile, thinking whether to tell Yin Shuwei that she was a daughter. He must think her relationship with Wan Kun is very strange.

Yin Shuwei frowned. In the past, he hated the word Duanxiu very much, and thought it was very shameful and evil, but recently, he found that he would always think of Chu Wen involuntarily, and every time he thought of him, his heartbeat would speed up uncontrollably , I will be happy when I see him, and I will be depressed when I don't see him, and sometimes I can't sleep because I miss him.

He felt that he must be crazy, so for a while, he didn't dare to come to Rongyu Hall, he didn't dare to come to see him, he was afraid that when he saw him, he would lose control of his emotions and say or do something he shouldn't do For this reason, he was troubled and depressed for a long time.

So based on this position, how can he accuse Wan Kun?What is the difference between yourself and him?The only difference, I am afraid, is that Wan Kun can face it calmly, but he cannot.

Seeing that Yin Shuwei remained silent, she smiled and said, "You will know later."

Yin Shuwei asked back: "Know what?"

"My relationship with him." She smiled sweetly, thinking of the words Wan Kun often chanted, her heart was as sweet as honey.

The carriage was moving slowly and swaying. Looking at the smiling Chu Wen in front of him, he suddenly felt that he looked like a girl, really like a girl.

How nice it would be if he was a girl!

government office
"Ma'am, how is she?" Yin Yixuan looked at Nianwen nervously. He was fine, but suddenly passed out, which frightened him a lot.

Nian Wen withdrew the hand that signaled the pulse, put Madam Yin's hand back on the quilt, and said with a smile: "Madam is fine, congratulations, sir, congratulations, sir."

Yin Yixuan was puzzled: "Where does joy come from?"

Read the text and say: "Madam is happy."

Yin Yixuan was stunned, looking at the reading in front of him, and then at the wife lying on the bed, he didn't know what to say for a moment, he actually, is going to be a father again?

Read the text and quickly wrote a prescription, saying: "Madam is getting older, and it will be harder to conceive than a young girl. Now she is weak in both energy and blood and needs to be recuperated. This is a prescription. It is convenient to take it for three days in a row. But, in the future, we will use food supplements, and invite a cook who understands medicinal food to come to the mansion to take good care of the body, so that both the wife and the child will be able to do well."

(End of this chapter)

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