Chapter 1268 Like a Man

Chapter 1284

Yin Yixuan finally came back to his senses, and thanked him again and again: "Okay, okay, I wrote it all down, I'm sorry for your trouble."

"My lord, you are welcome. It is not easy for Madam to conceive again at this age. I hope you will stay with Madam more. Madam will be in a better mood, and many discomforts during pregnancy will disappear on their own."

Yin Yixuan nodded: "I understand what you mean. I owed her in the past. This time, I will definitely cherish it and never make her sad."

She nodded, picked up the medicine box and went out: "Then I'll go first."

Yin Yixuan just wanted to ask Shuwei to see her off, but there was no sign of Shuwei, so he personally sent her out.

"Next month is the New Year's Eve, will you return to Beijing?" Yin Yixuan asked

Read the text and nodded: "Go back, I'll be back in a few days, it's time to go back after being away from home for so long."

Yin Yixuan sighed: "Originally I planned to bring Madam and Shu Wei back to Beijing for the New Year this year, but now Madam is pregnant, the carriage is bumpy, I'm afraid I won't be able to go back again."

Read the text and said: "Madam is the most critical time now. If you can not take the carriage, you should try not to take it. It will be the same when you come back next year."

Yin Yixuan nodded: "Well, let me say hello to your parents."

"It must be brought." She smiled, climbed into the carriage, and waved to Yin Yixuan again: "Your Excellency, please go in."

The carriage gradually drifted away on the snow-covered road, and he remembered that that year in front of the Fusheng Inn in Pengcheng, Qi Rongyue refused his cloak, and he was standing in the snow just as he is now, Watching the carriage drift away.

If it was at that time, he could calmly accept the fact that she and him were impossible, and there would not be so many regrettable things happening later.

The past is like a cloud of smoke, and the wind seems to disperse, but it does not disperse.

"Father, where's Chu Wen?" Yin Shuwei ran out panting.

Yin Yixuan pointed to the carriage that gradually disappeared in the distance: "Let's go, what are you in such a hurry for?"

Yin Shuwei was full of annoyance, "I just went to the kitchen and asked the cook if he could make hot and sour fish. Chu Wen said he wanted to eat it. Why did he leave in just a short while?"

Yin Yixuan shrugged: "But I don't think she intends to stay for dinner, it's because you are being sentimental."

Yin Shuwei's eyes are full of despair, pretending to be passionate?Of course, he was being self-indulgent.

Yin Yixuan patted Shuwei on the shoulder: "Shuwei, you like her, I have no objection, but you have to promise me that everything will come naturally, don't force it, otherwise it will be bad for everyone."

Yin Shuwei's jaw almost dropped from shock: "What did you just say? You don't object? You don't object that I like him?" There is nothing wrong with his ears, right? Dad doesn't object to him liking a man. Dad usually hates this kind of thing the most. something?
Yin Yixuan smiled and said: "You are already old, I was young and impulsive like you, I know what it's like to like someone, if you don't want to regret it, of course you have to fight hard, but if the other party has clearly rejected, If she already has someone she likes, you have to withdraw unconditionally, and you can't bring trouble to her. This will make her hate you. If you can do what I said, at least you can still be friends, otherwise , you won’t even have a chance to be friends.”

Yin Shuwei couldn't believe his ears, was his father teaching him how to deal with feelings?Knowing that the person he likes is a boy?
He didn't know how to continue this topic, so he avoided it deliberately: "Father, what happened to Mother? Why did she suddenly faint?"

(End of this chapter)

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