Chapter 1272 Jealousy
Chapter 1288

She went to Mu Cangju three times before and after, but the prince ignored her at all, no matter whether the concubine concubine gave birth to the child or after giving birth, he had no intention of coming to see her.

At this time, a girl from outside came to report: "Qi Shizi Concubine, Madam Pingdehou is here, and she is coming this way."

Mom is here?Her heart felt sour, when the familiar face of mother appeared at the door, her tears couldn't stop falling down, how many grievances flooded at this moment.

As soon as Wu's foot stepped into the door, she saw her daughter looking at her with teary eyes, her small face was also unbelievably thin, like a woman who had just given birth.

"My son, my son!" She rushed forward, holding her daughter's hand tightly, rolling her eyes in her sockets, following her mother to stare at Xiaohuan: "How do you take care of Miss? Look at Miss How thin have you become?"

Xiaohuan knelt on the ground, bowed her head and said nothing, the grievance in her heart was deeper than the sea.

Knowing that her daughter must have a lot to say, Wu said, "You all step back."

Xiaohuan understood, got up quickly, called all the maids and women in the room and went out together.

There were only two mothers and daughters and a sleeping baby left in the room.

Wu asked: "What's going on? Why did she give birth prematurely?"

In front of her mother, there was nothing to hide. She told all these things together, and she felt much better.

But Wu was terrified: "Damn girl, you don't want to die? How dare you buy a murderer? The other party is the princess of Changle. You have to know that once the incident happens, it will not only be you, the Xianguanghou's mansion, even the Our Pingde Hou Mansion cannot get rid of the relationship, do you think their Zheng family is vegetarian?"

Sun Liuliu was blinded by hatred before, so she didn't think about it. She only wanted to be loved by her husband and make her rival disappear from the world. She didn't think about anything else.

At this time, being awakened by my mother, I was suddenly enlightened, and I also had some regrets, and more of it was jealousy. Why did that woman have so many, such as an excellent family background, and a beautiful face, and men rushed to show her attention. . .

And she, in order to give birth to this child, she walked through the gate of hell, but Shizi refused to even look at her.

Wu Shi glanced at the child in the cradle. Because it was born prematurely, her complexion was not very good, but her facial features were very delicate. She couldn't help laughing and said, "My little brother was born so handsome, very much like you and your son."

A smile finally appeared on Sun Liuliu's gloomy face, "Really? Hurry up and show me."

Wu waved her hand: "Don't, don't, don't fall asleep after a long time, you'll wake up after hugging her."

She sat back beside her daughter again, and sighed: "Liu Liu, listen to Mother's persuasion, don't do stupid things again, you are now the concubine of the imperial concubine in this mansion, and you have given birth to a son, and your position is unshakable. Although I still think about Zheng Nianwen, it's just because Zheng Nianwen hasn't agreed to marry him yet, he's just thinking about it. Once Zheng Nianwen gets married, he will naturally take it back. At that time, your mother is more expensive than your son, and I'm afraid you won't be able to take back his heart. ?"

"Will this really happen?" Although Sun Liuliu felt that what her mother said made sense, she was still very worried. After all, only she was clear about the son's indifference to her.

Wu said with a smile: "Of course, my mother is someone who has been here, can't you see through this matter? Don't worry, although men sometimes look at Hua Xin, they still love their families."

(End of this chapter)

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