Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1273 Go to the Garden for Tea

Chapter 1273 Go to the Garden for Tea

Chapter 1289

It’s said that Shangguan Nuo came to the Prince’s Palace to ask to see Princess Changle, and when he was told that the princess had entered the palace, he went to wait outside the palace gate, and after waiting for a while, he felt that this was not the way to go, so he sent a message to the palace to ask for an audience. Empress Empress.

He is the empress's own nephew, so the people in the palace naturally did not dare to be negligent, and the word quickly spread to the empress's palace.

Shangguan Yao was a little surprised, since her nephew came to the capital, she had never entered the palace to beg to see her, why did she come here today?

The big palace maid at the side said: "Your Majesty, have you forgotten? Princess Changle has entered the palace today."

Shangguan Yao suddenly realized that it turned out to be the case. She thought it was some letter from Dongli, but then she thought it was wrong. Shangguan Nuo didn't know what she and her brother were doing secretly, so even if there was a letter, she wouldn't let it go. Shangguan promised to pass on.

"No wonder he was anxious to enter the palace. It turned out that he didn't see the palace coming, but wanted to see Princess Changle."

The palace lady said: "Your Majesty, the son is married now, and the concubine is probably about to give birth. It's not good for him to see Princess Changle now."

Shangguan Yao smiled and said: "It's not good, so I want him to see you." If he can really take down that girl and make that girl willing to be a small girl, the people in the world will ridicule the Zheng family, and at the same time slap the emperor in the face. Let him see what kind of a niece he has been doting on all these years.

"Xuan!" She said to the eunuch who sent the message.

Shangguan Nuo was led all the way to the queen's palace by the eunuchs in the palace. After the ceremony, he blushed and didn't know what to say.

Shangguan Yao said: "Nuo'er, are you here for Princess Changle?"

Seeing that Shangguan Nuo's mind was punctured by the queen's words, his face became more and more red, and he bowed his head in silence.

Shangguan Yao said: "Auntie knows that you have always liked Princess Changle in your heart, but it's a pity that God failed to fulfill your wishes. Auntie also feels very sorry for what happened later."

Shangguan Nuo hurriedly said: "Madam, Nuo'er has nothing else to ask for, but just, just to take a look at her from a distance."

Shangguan Yao smiled lightly: "What's so difficult about this, my aunt is the master of the harem, if you can't even grant this little wish, then wouldn't I be queen in vain?"

She got up, and winked at the grand lady next to her, who nodded knowingly.

"Let's go, accompany my aunt to the Imperial Garden."

Imperial study room

"Wen'er, I've been away from Beijing for so long, but I'm back. Every time your mother sees me, she always has a sad face. Although she doesn't say anything, I know that she is worried about you, but she doesn't want to hold you back. You , can’t you write a few more letters home?”

Nian Wen giggled twice: "Uncle—you don't know Wen'er's temperament, Wen'er doesn't know how to smear emotions with paper and ink."

The two were chatting happily when the eunuch came in from the outside and said to Chu Tianqi: "Your Majesty, the empress sent someone to invite the princess to the garden for tea."

Chu Tianqi nodded: "Alright, you can go, I still have some business to deal with here, come and have lunch with me later."

Saying hello again and again, he happily left the imperial study room, and followed the maids outside to the imperial garden.

The maid who led the way complained of a stomachache when she first entered the imperial garden, so she pointed in a random direction and asked Nianwen to go by herself, so it was convenient for her to go.

She doesn't care about reading the text, she has been to this imperial garden many times, and she is familiar with the way, and the places where you can drink tea are just a few places, and you can always find them if you look for them next to each other.

She walked in the direction pointed by the lady-in-waiting, passing through a flowerbed covered in snow, and it was chilly when the wind blew past.

(End of this chapter)

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