Chapter 1274 The last time

Chapter 1290

I couldn't help muttering in my heart, the queen didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd, so it was strange to invite her to drink tea in this freezing garden for the first time.

"Sister Wen'er—"

A clear and urgent voice suddenly sounded, she stopped and turned to look at the man coming from another path.

Shangguan Nuo?How can he be here?
Her delicate brows were slightly frowned, "Why are you here?" she asked, her eyes full of doubts.

Shangguan Nuo said with a smile: "I'm here to see the queen, she invited me to drink tea, I didn't expect to meet you here."

did not expect?Really?
Nian Wen smiled lightly: "What a coincidence, I was also invited by the Queen to drink tea. I wonder where the Queen is at this time?"

Shangguan Nuo pointed in the direction: "It's in the pavilion over there, let's go there together."

He stepped forward, wanting to walk side by side with her, but she deliberately took two steps back, keeping a certain distance from him: "Please, my son." She had a smile on her face like a delicate flower, three points polite, seven points cold.

With bitterness in his heart, he secretly sighed and nodded: "Let's go."

Along the way, he didn't know what to say, and she kept silent behind her, and the atmosphere was surprisingly awkward.

The stone tables in the pavilion are covered with velvet mats, and silver silk carbon basins are placed under the stone tables. The pavilion, which was originally transparent on all sides, is hung with thick curtains from the bottom to the bottom. The cold is like two worlds.

Heh - rich people really enjoy it.

On the table are dried fruit preserves and a small charcoal stove. On the stove is a copper pot with white steam coming out of the long and thin spout.

Strangely, there was no one in the pavilion.

She raised her eyebrows and looked at Shangguan Nuo: "Is it here?"

Shangguan Nuo was also surprised: "It's here, the place the lady-in-waiting said just now is here, and the lady said that she will wait for me here." He was the one who was in a hurry and didn't want to wait. gone?
Shangguan Nuo said: "It's better to sit down and wait, the empress may be in a hurry, she will be back in a while."

Although Nian Wen had doubts in his heart, he couldn't say much, after all, the other party was the queen, so she had to show some face, otherwise the emperor's uncle's face would not look good.

When the two sat down, Shangguan Nuo asked, "Where have you been these days? How are you doing?"

Read the text and nodded, "Very good. I have done many meaningful things. It is something I have always wanted to do. I am very happy."

A little smile finally appeared on her face, a real smile, brilliant and dazzling, but not because of him.

"Just be happy, just be happy." He felt bitter. Since she left and since he got married, he hasn't lived a happy day, not even a single day.

After being silent for a while, he asked again: "What about after that, will you still leave in the future?"

She nodded: "Of course, I will leave after the Chinese New Year and go to another place. I study medicine to save lives, not just to watch the sky. If I stay in the capital, the medical skills I have been studying so hard will just go to waste. Wouldn't it be a pity? ?”

"Then where are you going?" He asked anxiously.

Nian Wen looked at him sideways: "Why do you want to know?"

Shangguan Nuo smiled dryly: "I just want to know where you will go, nothing else."

Yeah?She doesn't believe it.

"Shangguan Nuo, you are already married. I heard that you are going to be a father soon. I haven't congratulated you yet. Normally, we shouldn't meet alone again. Today's meeting, whether it's a coincidence or something else, I hope It's the last time."

(End of this chapter)

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