Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1275 The body seems to be hollowed out

Chapter 1275 The body seems to be hollowed out

Chapter 1291

Shangguan Nuo didn't expect her to embarrass him so directly, the smile on his face gradually became awkward, "I admit, I came here because you entered the palace, I planned to leave after just looking at you from a distance, but I--"

But people are selfish and greedy. He took one look, and then wanted to take a second look, and after the second look, he wanted to get close to her, and wanted to talk to her.

Read the text and said: "Shangguan Nuo, if you can let go of those thoughts that should no longer exist, maybe we can still be friends."

let go?Easier said than done.

He smiled wryly, reached for the teapot on the small stove, and filled a cup of hot tea for her and himself.

The weather is cold, and I was not thirsty at first, but sitting in this warm pavilion with a charcoal stove, my throat dries up involuntarily.

Seeing that Shangguan Nuo brought tea to drink, she also brought the teacup on the table to her lips. The tea was clear and fragrant, and it was a good pot of tea. The smell, this kind of smell, should not exist in the tea soup.

She immediately frowned, raised her eyes to look at Shangguan Nuo, saw that he had already drank half a cup of tea, and seemed to be unaware of the difference in the tea, so she asked, "You prepared this tea?"

Shangguan Nuo shook his head: "No, I came with you just now, I didn't come before."

"Then the empress prepared this?" She raised her eyebrows and asked.

Shangguan Nuo nodded: "It should be, what's wrong? Why don't you drink?"

She put down the teacup and stood up: "There is medicine in the tea, I don't care who it is, it has nothing to do with you, I think there is no need for us to see each other in the future, just pretend that we don't know each other. "She turned around and walked away. He hurriedly got up to stop him. As soon as he stood up, he felt dizzy and felt hot and uncomfortable. At this time, he also realized that he had been poisoned.

He stumbled and chased out of the gazebo, and shouted to Nian Wen who was drifting away: "Sister Wen'er, it's not me, I didn't do this, you have to trust me."

The maid who had been hiding in the corner saw that the princess had left, and only the crown prince was poisoned, so she rushed out: "Sir, are you alright?"

Shangguan Nuo pushed her far away: "Get out, get out of here!"

He only felt that his body was getting hotter and hotter, and his mind was getting more and more unclear. He didn't know what happened after that, and he didn't want to know.

When he woke up again, he was lying on his bed with a splitting headache, as if his body had been hollowed out.

"My lord, are you awake?"

Suddenly a woman's voice came from beside the pillow, so startled that he almost fell out of bed, and when he looked sideways, it turned out to be Su'er, who he hadn't seen in several months.

"You, why are you here?" Su'er was lying beside him, wearing only a pink apron, and there were red and purple marks all over her neck and chest. How did these marks come from? Know.

Su'er blushed and said: "My lord, you were very drunk when you came back yesterday. The housekeeper asked the servant to accompany you, and the servant came."

A flood of memories flooded in. He remembered what happened yesterday. He and Nianwen drank tea in the pavilion. Nianwen said that the tea had been drugged and left in anger. He felt very dizzy at the time. It was very hot, very hot, and he couldn't remember what happened afterwards.

He is not a fool, of course he understands what kind of medicine he has taken. There is no antidote for this kind of medicine. Only by marrying a woman can the medicine be relieved, otherwise he will explode and die.

He didn't know in advance that there was medicine in the tea, what would Nian Wen think of him?

(End of this chapter)

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