Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1276 A poisonous woman with a heart like a snake and a scorpion.

Chapter 1276 A poisonous woman with a heart like a snake and a scorpion.

Chapter 1292

"Your Majesty?" Su'er looked shy, thinking of Shizi's crazy pursuit last night, although she worked hard, she felt very happy. She felt that she had survived in this mansion for so long and finally made it through, and Shizi still had her in his heart. .


Shangguan Nuo got up and put on his clothes, without even looking at her, he issued an expulsion order coldly.

The shyness on Su'er's face gradually condensed, and she looked at the man in front of her in shock, "My lord, what's wrong with you?"

Shangguan Nuoqi's liver was hurting, he didn't want to talk to him at all, he hurriedly put on his clothes and went out.

Side by side with the palace
Zheng Zhongwen and Qi Rongyue were discussing matters in the study room. They both looked very bad. When they came back from reading yesterday, they saw that her expression was not right, so they asked her if she caused trouble in the palace. She angrily reported what happened in the palace. I told them again, which scared them enough.

Obviously, this was not something that Shangguan Nuoneng could do alone in the palace. Behind him stood a queen.

"The queen usually doesn't look like a person without measure. How could she do such a thing? Is this nephew so important to her?" Zheng Zhongwen said.

Qi Rongyue shook her head: "No, it's not that simple, she's not stupid, she knew what the consequences would be, but she still did it, it wasn't out of love for her nephew, she just borrowed this to achieve her own goals."

Zheng Zhongwen was puzzled: "Her own purpose? What purpose?"

Rong Yue sighed, "You, walking around the palace all day, can't you even understand this? Tian Qi dotes on Wen'er too much, and instead neglects his own child. The empress seems to be indifferent, but how can she Maybe she doesn't care? She is the lord of the harem, and the prince and princess she gave birth to are so honorable, but in Tianqi's eyes, her child is not as good as a princess with a surname outside the district. How can she swallow this breath? "

"If Wen'er could be destroyed in one fell swoop, how proud would she be? Not only did she slap us in the face of the Prince's Mansion, but she also slapped Tian Qi in the face severely. Moreover, once this matter happens, it can only be dealt with in secret, and it can't be taken away." Let's tell the world about this scandal, so in the end, she won't be punished, at most she won't be seen by Tian Qi, she is also broken, anyway, she won't be seen by Tian Qi on weekdays anyway."

Zhongwen punched several cases, and said angrily: "A poisonous woman, her heart is like a snake and a scorpion."

"Fortunately, there is nothing wrong with reading the text. This matter is over. When I enter the palace in the future, let her pay more attention." Thinking about it, I would be afraid. If it wasn't for the fact that reading the text was very sensitive to medicine from primary school medicine, then drink the tea ,The consequences could be disastrous.

Sangui came in from the outside, and said to the two, "My son Xian Guanghou, please see me."

Zhongwen raised his eyebrows: "How dare he come? Who is he asking to see?"

Sangui said: "He first asked to see the princess, but the princess refused to see him, now he begs to see you and the princess."

"Boom away, I don't want to see him either." Zhong Wen said angrily.

Sangui was about to leave, Rongyue called him back: "Don't ask him to come in, I want to see what he has to say."

Sangui responded and went, Rong Yue said to Zhongwen: "Zuo Wen'er is fine, you don't need to get angry now, just listen to him later and see what he has to say."

Zhongwen nodded, the anger in his heart couldn't be suppressed, how could he swallow such a heart-warming baby girl who let others calculate like this.

But the other party is the queen, if this matter goes to Tian Qi, it will definitely make Tian Qi difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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