Chapter 1279 Is she a girl?
Chapter 1295

She stood up from the bitingly cold marble floor, and took a last look at the man who used to share the bed with her, the man she had entrusted everything to, he was still the same man, and she was no longer the former Shangguan Yao.

Turning around, there was a trace of desolation in Jue Ran.


"Shuwei, what's wrong with you? Why are you in a daze?" Mrs. Yin took a piece of Yin Shuwei's favorite candied lotus root and put it in the bowl in front of him.

Yin Shuwei came back to his senses and put down the chopsticks in his hand: "I don't have an appetite, you can eat."

He got up and went to the study room, with a book in his hand, his eyes fixed on the book, but he didn't notice that the book was actually held upside down.

"What's wrong with this child?" Mrs. Yin was puzzled.

Yin Yixuan also put down the chopsticks in his hand, and said with a smile: "I'll go and have a look, you can eat some more."

Watching her husband's tall and thin figure disappear at the entrance of the hall, Mrs. Yin touched Shang's flat belly with a sweet smile of happiness on her face. This is the life she wants, the life she has been looking forward to.

"The book is held upside down." Yin Yixuan stood in front of his son and said with a smile.

Yin Shuwei returned to his senses, put down the book in embarrassment: "Father, why are you here?"

Yin Yixuan pulled a stool and sat down beside him: "Would you like to tell me, what have you been thinking about recently?"

Yin Shuwei smiled dryly: "It's nothing."

"Then let me guess." He pursed his lips, "I guess you are thinking about Chu Wen, she went back to Beijing, or went back with Wan Kun, you are unwilling and annoyed, don't know what to do. "

Yin Shuwei's jade face was flushed, and he was silent.

Yin Yixuan said again: "Originally I planned to take your mother and you to Wenchanghou's Mansion in Kyoto to celebrate the new year, but now your mother is pregnant, so we can't be tired and bumpy. We can't go, but you can."

Yin Shuwei's eyes lit up, but then his face turned bitter: "So what if you go? So what if you don't go? After all, it's a bad fate."

Yin Yixuan was puzzled, and wondered: "Nie Yuan? Why do you think this is Nie Yuan?"

Yin Shuwei smiled wryly: "Isn't it? I'm ashamed to express this kind of emotion in the same body as a man, and I dare not see him again."

"Both men?" Only then did Yin Yixuan understand why his son, who obviously likes someone, but desperately forbears and refuses to take that step. It turned out to be because of this.

"Silly boy, you don't really know her identity, do you?"

He thought that Shu Wei only knew, how could a boy like the appearance of Nian Wen look like a boy?One can clearly tell it's a girl at a glance, why is this child so clumsy?
Yin Shuwei was stunned: "Identity? What identity?"

Yin Yixuan sighed: "You, you know how to read books on weekdays, and you don't hear anything outside the window. Don't you know that there is a Princess Changle next to the palace?"

Yin Shuwei hasn't reacted yet: "Father, what do you mean?"

"Prince Side by Side and Princess Huguo have a son and a daughter, daughter Zheng Nianwen, who is fifteen years old, oh no, now she is sixteen, and is named Princess Changle, son Zhengzhou, who just turned nine years old."

If you still don't understand, Yin Shuwei is an idiot, but he is no different from being an idiot now, he stared at his father blankly: "Dad, what did you just say? Zheng Nianwen? 16 years old ? Princess Changle?"

Yin Yixuan nodded with a smile.

"So, her name is not Chu Wen at all, her name is Zheng Nianwen, she is a girl?" He didn't know what mood he was in right now, he was full of ups and downs, and he called himself a fool, she obviously looked like a girl, but he finally didn't Think in that direction.

(End of this chapter)

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