Chapter 1280
Chapter 1296

"Father, I'm going to the capital today." He ran out of the study and rushed back to his room to pack his things, wishing he could grow a pair of wings and fly to the capital now.

Yin Yixuan shouted: "Don't worry, there are still ten days before Chinese New Year."

Yin Shuwei had already run away without a trace, no matter what he said behind.

He smiled and shook his head, this kid, I hope it's not too late for him to go now.


Wenchang Houfu
Lord Yin Hou looked at Yin Shuwei who was almost exactly the same as Yin Yixuan back then, and he felt a lot of emotion in his heart, and sighed: "Isn't your father coming this year?"

Yin Shuwei said respectfully: "Going back to Uncle Grandpa, my father originally planned to bring my mother to come, but because my mother was pregnant, it was delayed. My father said that next year I will definitely come to reunite with Uncle Grandpa."

Master Yin Hou nodded, looked sideways at Yin Hongwei who was sitting at the top of his seat, and sighed: "Second Brother, Yixuan was indeed wrong about what happened back then. Now that so many years have passed and Shuwei is grown up, you still don't want to Forgive him?"

Yin Hongwei shook his head with a bitter face: "Brother, you are wrong. It's not that I refuse to forgive him, but that he refuses to forgive himself. He hasn't entered Beijing for so many years. Doesn't that explain the problem? He clearly still—" Yin Hongwei After scanning the book with only one eye, he finally didn't say what came after, and swallowed it.

Yin Shuwei hurriedly said: "Grandpa, my father said that he has let go of the past. This time he didn't come to the capital. It's not an excuse. It's because my mother is inconvenient to be pregnant, so I didn't come."

Seeing that Grandpa still had a look of disbelief, he said again: "Grandpa, mother, she is pregnant, and she was diagnosed by Princess Changle, and she told mother to take a good rest and not to be tired, that's why father canceled this year's visit to Beijing." plan."

Yin Hongwei was taken aback: "The Princess Changle you are talking about, but the little princess who is standing next to the palace?"

A bright smile appeared on Yin Shuwei's face immediately: "Yes, exactly."

Yin Hongwei and his elder brother exchanged glances, both of them looked surprised, and then asked, "Why did she go to see your mother?"

After Yin Shuwei told the story, Yin Hongwei and his brothers finally understood and believed Shuwei's words. It seems that Yixuan really figured it out this time.

This is a great event!
Yin Hongwei grinned from ear to ear: "I'm so happy today, it seems that I'm going to hug my grandson, okay, that's great, Shuwei, let's have a drink with grandpa at noon today, let's have a good talk."

Yin Shuwei hurriedly waved his hands: "I'm afraid I can't do it today, I have something to go out."

Yin Hongwei was puzzled: "Where are you going? I'm not familiar with this capital city, where are you going?"

Yin Shuwei smiled from ear to ear: "I'm going to meet a friend, so I won't eat at home at noon, and come back to have a drink with you in the evening."

Yin Shuwei turned around, and a girl in a light green quilted short jacket entered the hall. When she saw Yin Shuwei, who was tall and tall, her face turned red, and she hurriedly avoided it.

Yin Shuwei didn't look at her, walked out of the hall quickly, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

"This child, I don't know whose family he has made friends with, but he wants to meet friends without even eating." Yin Hongwei shook his head and sighed.

Lord Yin Hou said with a smile: "He looks very much like Yixuan back then. The relationship between Yixuan and Zheng Zhongwen back then was a little closer than brothers. Who would have expected that in the end they would come together for a woman. And it's a pity to turn your face!"

(End of this chapter)

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