Chapter 1281
Chapter 1297

"Grandpa, is that young master Shuwei's cousin from Jincheng?" Liang Yu asked softly.

Master Yin Hou nodded with a smile: "Yes, yes, after all these years, this is the first time for him to come to Beijing to celebrate the New Year with us."

Liang Yujiao smiled shyly, "Grandpa, grandpa, grandpa, can I go and play with my cousin?"

Lord Yinhou and Yin Hongwei both laughed, this girl is really interesting, "Of course, but your cousin is out now, let's look for him when he comes back."

Liang Yujiao looked surprised: "He went out the moment he arrived at the mansion? Where did he go?"

Master Yin Hou shook his head: "We don't know, you young people are very secretive about your ideas, and you won't tell us everything. If you want to know, you can ask him when he comes back."

Liang Yujiao sat for a while and then left. Lord Yin Hou winked at Yin Hongwei: "Look, Yixuan was like this back then, no girl could walk when she saw him, and now Shuwei is like this, only this one meets her." , my granddaughter has fallen.”

Yin Hongwei grinned from ear to ear: "I can't help it. Who would let their father and son look like me, and they love to read, and they are full of books. Which girl doesn't like it?"


Side by side with the palace
"Who do you want to see?" Zheng Zhongwen put down the teacup in his hand, raised his eyebrows and looked at Sangui.

Sangui said: "This is a son, he claims to be the son of Lord Yin, the prefect of Xinyang, the son of your old friend, Yin Shuwei."

Lord Yin?Old friend?

Among his old friends, there is only one surnamed Yin, is it really him?

"Come in quickly."

After a while, Sangui led Shuwei to the study room. As soon as the handsome young man caught his eyes, he seemed to see Yin Yixuan from more than ten years ago. Bookish.

"I have seen the prince." Shu Wei saluted.

Zhongwen waved his hand: "There is no need to be too polite, just sit down and watch tea."

He looked at Yin Shuwei, and Yin Shuwei could only look at him quietly with his eyes, not daring to look at him blatantly and recklessly like the other party.

"Are you Yixuan's son?"

Shuwei nodded: "Exactly, my father asked Shuwei to say hello to you and the princess on his behalf."

Zhongwen nodded, sighed lightly, and asked again: "How has he been doing these years?"

Shu Wei smiled and said: "It has been very good, my father misses the prince very much, he often talks about the prince to me."

Zhongwen asked, "What are you talking about?"

Yin Shuwei smiled lightly, "My father said that you are his best friend in his life. Although he has done some wrong things, he has never forgotten you as a friend."

Zhongwen nodded: "I have never forgotten him as a friend. The past has passed, and I have forgiven him long ago. It's just that why has he refused to return to the capital all these years?"

Yin Shuwei said: "I was supposed to come back this year, but my mother suddenly became pregnant, so it's not suitable to be exhausted, so I can only cancel the plan to return to Beijing and let me come back alone."

"So that's the case." He looked at Yin Shuwei, looked him up and down again, and asked, "How old are you this year?"

"The 16th birthday just passed last month." Shu Wei replied.

In this way, Yixuan got married shortly after leaving the capital, and Shuwei was several months older than Nianwen.

"In the blink of an eye, our children have grown up so much, and your father and I are both old!" Looking at Yin Shuwei in front of him, it reminded him of his youth.

(End of this chapter)

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