Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1283 Reunited with Grandfather

Chapter 1283 Reunited with Grandfather

Chapter 1299

Read the text puzzled: "I lied to you? What did I lie to you?"

Yin Shuwei pursed his lips, and his smile became brighter and brighter: "You are obviously a girl, but you pretended to be a boy, which made me think—"

It made me think that I had the habit of breaking sleeves, but he was too embarrassed to say it, but he could recite it silently in his heart.

"Why?" She was amused, thinking that Yin Shuwei knew she was a girl long ago, but he didn't.

Yin Shuwei shook his head: "Nothing."

She asked: "Did you really not know that I was a girl before? I thought you knew. After all, Mr. Yin knew my identity from the beginning, but you didn't. It's too unreasonable."

Yin Shuyi was embarrassed: "My mother used to say that I was a nerd, but I was still not convinced. Now it seems that I am no different from a nerd."

Nian Wen asked with a smile, "Now that you know I'm a girl, are you still willing to be friends with me?"

Yin Shuwei hurriedly nodded: "Of course, when I knew you were a girl, I was so happy, and immediately came to Kyoto from Jincheng, I—"

His face was flushed, and he was always shy. To say such a thing, he had already mustered up his courage. No matter how explicit he was, he really couldn't say it.

Nianwen raised his eyebrows: "So, if I were a boy, you wouldn't come to Beijing from Jincheng?"

He waved his hand: "No, no, no, I didn't mean that, I mean, you're a girl, that's fine, for me, it's better than you being a boy."

"Why?" She felt that Yin Shuwei was very interesting now, much more interesting than the serious appearance before.

Yin Shuwei blushed and was embarrassed to speak. At this time, the sound of riding a horse came from a distance. After reading the text, he turned around and saw that it was Wan Kun. The smile on his face became brighter: "Why are you here?"

Wan Kun's eyes fell on Yin Shuwei, his handsome eyebrows frowned immediately, and he got off his horse, "Why are you here?"

Yin Shuwei raised his eyebrows: "If you can be here, so can I. The capital city does not belong to your family."

As usual, the two were full of gunpowder when they met.

Nian Wen asked Wan Kun, "Why did you come after me? What's the matter?"

Wan Kun handed her the cloak in his hand: "You, you forget things all day long, and leave without getting dressed."

Nian Wen took his cloak and said with a smile: "I don't feel cold either, so why are you in a hurry to bring it, it seems that our palace doesn't have a second cloak."

Wan Kun's eyes fell on Yin Shuwei again: "Fortunately, he came, otherwise I would not have known that someone chased him from Jincheng to Kyoto."

Nian Wenbai glanced at him, and said angrily: "What are you talking about, brother Yin is coming back to the Marquis of Wenchang to reunite with his grandfather."

"Really?" He read the text and said: "You go in, I will chat with Brother Yin for a while."

Nian Wen was a little worried, and tugged on Wan Kun's sleeve: "Don't go too far, he just came to say hello to my parents today."

Wan Kun pushed her into the mansion, and when he came out, his eyes were no longer warm, and he looked at Yin Shuwei with a cold face: "What is your purpose in coming to the capital?"

Yin Shuwei snorted coldly: "What purpose do I have, does it have something to do with you? As the saying goes, a fair lady is a gentleman, a girl like Lianwen, I adore her and want to pursue her, do you find it difficult to understand?" ?”

Wan Kun shook his head: "This is your business, but I thought you had seen clearly the relationship between me and Nian Wen."

Yin Shuwei's shyness was gone forever without reading the text: "I see clearly, the relationship between the uncle and the nephew."

(End of this chapter)

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