Chapter 1284 Feeling good
Chapter 1300

Wan Kun was not annoyed, and said with a half-smile: "Whether you really see clearly or pretend to see clearly, please restrain yourself. Some things and some people will never belong to you."

Yin Shuwei frowned, and his mood became very bad: "Then let's see."

He turned around and walked towards the carriage waiting at the side, without looking at Wan Kun again, he went straight into the carriage, even though he didn't look back, he could still feel the sharp eyes behind him staying on him.

Although Wan Kun was two years younger than him, he was very imposing. When he was with him, he could always feel an invisible pressure, which made him very uncomfortable.

When I returned to the Marquis Mansion of Wenchang, my grandfather's Uncle Wang was waiting at the gate.

"Young master Shuwei, you are here, this old slave has been waiting for you for a long time."

Yin Shuwei smiled and said: "I have been delayed for a while in the Prince's Mansion, Uncle Wang has been waiting for a long time, what's the matter?"

Uncle Wang hurriedly said: "Second master asked me to wait for you here. If you come back, I will take you to see him."

Yin Shuwei nodded: "Okay, let's go now." Grandfather must have a lot to ask him, although grandfather has never been to Jincheng these years, and father has never been to Kyoto, but every New Year's day, grandfather and The grandmother would send people to send many things to Jincheng, which shows that they have always been thinking about their father, mother and his little grandson in their hearts.

In the east courtyard, Yin Hongwei and his wife waited for Shuwei in the courtyard in the afternoon, and they finally saw each other. Mrs. Yin Er rushed forward happily, grabbed Shuwei's hand, and looked up and down endlessly. Flashing crystal tears.

"Good boy, I know that grandma has been looking forward to you for so many years in this capital city, and you are here." Mrs. Yin Er has been in poor health in recent years, and no matter how many medicines she took, the imperial doctor said that she is here. Heart disease, long-term depression and illness, medicine alone cannot be cured, and you need to be in a good mood.

Seeing Shuwei today, her groggy head was finally much clearer, and she hasn't felt so comfortable for a long time.

Shu Wei knelt down in front of the elders, and kowtowed to him: "The grandson is not filial, failing to be filial in front of the elders made you and grandfather worry."

Mrs. Yin hurriedly supported Shuwei to get up: "Silly boy, can we still be angry with you? Get up quickly and let grandma take a good look at it."

The second Mrs. Yin back then was also an extremely beautiful woman, but now her temples are covered with silver frost. In addition to the worries and thoughts in recent years, her complexion is not very good-looking, and she looks a little older than her actual age.

Yin Shuwei helped his grandmother to sit down at the table, and said with a smile: "Grandmother, I have agreed with my father that I will live in Kyoto for a long time, and will be filial to you and grandfather for him."

Mrs. Yin Er nodded happily, and there was still some disappointment in her tearful eyes: "Your father is really not coming back?"

Yin Hongwei on the side said: "Didn't I already tell you, because Yixuan's wife is pregnant, it is inconvenient for him to travel long distances to come back. If he doesn't come back this year, he will definitely come back next year with his little grandson."

Yin Shuwei hurriedly said: "That's right, that's what my father said. Grandma, don't be sad. If you miss my father, after the Chinese New Year, I will take you to Jincheng to see him, okay?"

Mrs. Yin shook her head and sighed: "My old bones, going to Jincheng will only cause trouble for them. It doesn't matter if I don't go, or I don't go. I just hope that I can survive for another two years and watch him come back to life." Back in Kyoto, watching him really come out from the shadow of the year."

(End of this chapter)

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