Chapter 1285

Chapter 1301

Yin Hongwei frowned, and said displeasedly: "What nonsense are you talking about in front of the child?" He turned to look at Shuwei again: "Don't pay attention to her, she always likes to talk nonsense these days, Shuwei, you now You are also 16 years old, can you make an appointment?"

Yin Shuwei shook his head: "Not yet."

Yin Hongwei nodded: "I think so. You are the eldest grandson of the second wife of our Yin family. Your father dare not make decisions about your marriage. You have to discuss it with us no matter what."

Yin Shuwei didn't make a sound, Yin Hongwei said again: "It's just right that you came to the capital now. There are so many ladies in this capital city. For a while now, your grandmother and I will search for you to see if there is any suitable one. People, take a look first."

Yin Shuwei's heart skipped a beat, thinking that this is the Marquis of Wenchang's mansion, and the Yin family is considered a respectable person in the capital, and they can speak well in the court. With his talent, it would not be difficult for him to be the number one scholar in the exam like his father in the future. Going to the side-by-side palace to propose marriage, coupled with the friendship between father and side-by-side king back then, it might be possible.

Yin Hongwei didn't notice that Shuwei was distracted, and said directly: "It's a coincidence that your uncle's granddaughter is one year younger than you, and she is also at the age of marriage. -"

Yin Shuwei suddenly interrupted Yin Hongwei: "Grandfather, I want to marry Princess Changle."

When Mrs. Yin Er, who had just picked up the teacup and was about to take a sip, heard this, she was so shocked that the teacup could not hold it and slipped down. The porcelain cup was not broken, but the tea splashed all over the floor.

Yin Hongwei frowned: "What did you say?"

Yin Shuwei stood up and knelt down in front of his grandfather with a plop: "Grandfather, my grandson would like to ask you to help my grandson go to the palace to propose marriage."

Yin Hongwei looked at his grandson kneeling in front of him in surprise, "Say it again."

Yin Shuwei said again: "Sun'er would like to invite you to go to the Prince's Mansion to propose marriage."

Yin Hongwei turned to look at the lady beside him, and saw that the lady's face had turned pale, and her body began to tremble uncontrollably, and hurriedly said: "Get up first, and discuss this matter later, go and inform Wang Guanshi, and ask him to invite the doctor .”

Yin Shuwei was also very frightened. How could her grandmother who was fine just now suddenly become like this.

He ran out of the hall in a hurry and saw Guanshi Wang was talking to a woman at the gate of the courtyard, so he hurriedly shouted: "Uncle Wang, grandma is not well, hurry up and call the doctor."

Uncle Wang was also shocked, and left without saying a word. Yin Shuwei rushed back to the hall, and his grandmother had passed out at this time, so he hurriedly carried her back to the room.

After covering his grandmother with the quilt, he asked his grandfather, "What happened to her, grandma? Is it because of what I just said?"

Yin Hongwei sighed, and said: "Your grandmother has been not well these years, and she was overwhelmed by the accumulation of troubles in her heart, and gradually became ill. Princess Protector, now that you propose to marry her daughter, it's no wonder your grandmother can't stand it."

Yin Shuwei originally knew only a little about the grievances and grievances between his father and the side-by-side king, not particularly clear, but seeing his grandmother like this, there are still many things he doesn't know.

Before the doctor came, Yin Hongwei briefly explained the life-saving kindness Qi Rongyue's biological mother gave to their Yin family, and the reason for getting married in order to repay the kindness, plus some past events he heard from his mother, he probably understood The reason why grandma is so excited.

(End of this chapter)

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