Chapter 1286
Chapter 1302

Grandmother was afraid that he would follow his father's old path again, so she became anxious for a while.

"Grandfather, don't worry, I have a sense of propriety. My father also told me some things about him back then. I know it well."

Yin Hongwei nodded: "Okay, as long as you know what's in your mind, grandfather believes in you. Grandfather can agree to you, but you have to be mentally prepared. I heard that the son of Xian Guanghou also went to propose marriage before, but he was rejected. Princess Changle also left Jincheng to avoid Prince Xian Guanghou. Just think about it, Prince Xian Guanghou is the empress's nephew, and Marquis Xian Guang has a lot of soldiers in his hands. If you refuse, what chance does our Marquis of Wenchang have in winning?"

Yin Shuwei said: "You have to try everything to know whether it is successful or not."

Although he is not absolutely sure, if he doesn't even try, then he has no certainty at all.

After a while, Guanshi Wang invited a doctor. The doctor was not young, and even his beard was gray. He trotted along with Guanshi Wang, panting from exhaustion.

"Doctor Chen, you are here." Yin Hongwei hurriedly grabbed Doctor Chen's hand and pulled him to the bed.

Doctor Chen let out a sigh of relief, sat down in front of the bed, felt the pulse of Mrs. Yin who was on the bed, her gray eyebrows became more and more wrinkled, and then went to look at Mrs. Yin's eyelids, and sighed: "It's not very good, it's not very good. what."

Yin Hongwei's complexion changed drastically: "What's wrong?"

Dr. Chen said: "Madam is in a hurry, her blood is rushing up, her pulse is fast and chaotic, I don't know what to do, if this continues, I'm afraid I will have a stroke."

stroke?Yin Hongwei thought of a colleague he met a while ago, his eyes were slanted, his mouth was crooked, he couldn't speak clearly, he was walking three times with a walking stick, and his body shuddered.

Yin Shuwei asked anxiously: "Is there no other way?"

Dr. Chen shook his head: "It's not that there is no way, it's that the old man's medical skills are not good, but you can go to the Prince's Mansion and ask. I heard that the Princess Huguo once cured a stroke patient. With her medical skills, she wants to cure Mrs. Ling. It's not difficult."

Yin Shuwei also said: "Yes, we can invite the princess to treat my grandmother, and the princess's medical skills are also very good, so it is okay to invite her."

Yin Hongwei said: "I also thought about it at the beginning, but your grandmother refused anyway. She always felt that she owed her something, and she was ashamed to see her face again."

Yin Shuwei hurriedly said: "Then I will invite the princess. Grandma has never met the princess, so just tell her that she is an ordinary doctor."

Yin Hongwei's eyes lit up: "This is a good idea, it's not too late, you go quickly."

Yin Shuwei hurried to the Prince's Mansion, Qi Rongyue learned that the second wife of the Yin family was seriously ill, so without further ado, he asked Nianwen to go with Yin Shuwei for diagnosis and treatment.

When he returned to Marquis Wenchang's mansion, the originally quiet west courtyard was full of people. Hearing that his brother and sister had fallen ill, Marquis Yin immediately brought his wife to visit, and his granddaughter and grandson also came with him.

Together with their respective servants, the originally spacious room suddenly seemed very narrow.

"Master, here we come. Master Shuwei is here with the doctor." Steward Wang hurried in to report.

Yin Hongwei nodded, and gradually loosened his grip on his wife's hand. He patted the back of his wife's hand and said with a warm smile, "Don't worry, Shuwei found you a good doctor, and he will definitely cure you. It is agreed that we will take care of Yixuan's children together, so don't try to be lazy." It is said that husband and wife stay together, the older he gets, the more important he realizes the importance of his wife, no matter how many women he has had in his life, in the end Accompany him to the end, grow old with him slowly, and sleep with him in the coffin after death, it will only be his wife!

(End of this chapter)

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