Chapter 1290 Ambush
Chapter 1306

It is said that Nianwen leaned on the swaying carriage and fell asleep, while Donger beside him was already asleep. Suddenly, the carriage stopped abruptly, and the hissing of the horse outside woke up the tired Nianwen and Donger.

Dong'er rubbed her eyes, and shouted outside: "What's going on?"

No one answered outside, and the already dark sky had stained the entire carriage with thick ink. She couldn't see what was going on outside, nor could she clearly see what was going on inside.

Nianwen frowned, seeing Dong'er getting up to go out, she quickly stretched out her hand to hold her, and said in a low voice: "Lie down, don't move around." She touched her waist with one hand, where a delicate dagger was pinned here for many years. Incomparable.

She took off one of Dong'er's shoes, kicked the car door, and threw the shoe out.

"Aggression!" The sound of three sharp arrows piercing the wood sounded at the door of the carriage. She took off Dong'er's other shoe and threw it towards the right side of the carriage. Her figure quickly jumped out of the carriage. Skim to the left.

Sure enough, the sharp arrow chased the shoe that was thrown first and shot to the right, while Nianwen took the opportunity to avoid behind a sycamore tree by the roadside.

It is not far from the Wangfu. It is the only way to turn from the bustling street to Yunhua Street where the Wangfu is located. No one will come here except the people from the Wangfu. Yes, I know she will pass by here today.

"Who sneakily shoots cold arrows, and whoever comes out to fight one-on-one."

No one responded to her, she felt a few small stones from the ground, threw them on the road outside the tree, and immediately arrows followed the sound.

She has excellent hearing, listening to the sound of the cold arrow piercing through the air, she judged the location of the person who fired the cold arrow, shook her head and knocked out the stone in her hand, and immediately heard a muffled sound.

At this time, another long arrow shot towards her, and it landed firmly on the tree trunk. She tore off a piece of cloth from her clothes, wrapped it around the body of the arrow, and pulled it out. two arrows.

This time it was not a muffled snort, but two screams.

She didn't know where the arrow hit the opponent, but she could only hear the screams getting more and more miserable, and even the sound of clothes rubbing against the ground, and the throat being choked by big hands.

Could it be that the arrow is really poisonous?She was glad that she had been careful just now and didn't directly pull the arrow with her hands.

After a while, the screaming stopped. She knew that there was still one person alive. Although the stone hit him just now, it did not cause much damage to him. He must hold his breath and wait for her to get out from behind the tree. Go out, but give her a blow.

She sneered, holding a dagger in one hand and choking her own neck with the other, making the same pained sound as the two who had just died, rubbing her feet on the ground, creating a painful illusion that she was about to die from poisoning.

After listening carefully for a while, the man hidden in the darkness was sure that the voice was getting softer, and finally came out from the darkness, still holding the bow and arrow vigilantly, walking towards her step by step.

When he walked behind the tree, he couldn't see anything in the dark night. There seemed to be people on the ground, but there seemed to be no one. .

The light from the fire was very weak, but it was enough to illuminate the space under his feet in front of him.

There was nothing on the ground, nothing, he was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that he had been fooled.

He quickly threw away the fire bag, and reached for the bow and arrow beside his feet, but he couldn't pick it up anyway.

One foot was stepping firmly on the longbow. . .

(End of this chapter)

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