Chapter 1291 Very Rare Poison
Chapter 1307

He raised his head slowly and looked at a blurred face. In the dark night, he couldn't see anything clearly except for those eyes staring at him with spirit.

A foot kicked him hard in the chest, kicking his body until he fell backwards.

"Say, who sent you here?"

Regardless of the pain in his chest, the man jumped up, pulled out the long sword from his waist, and stabbed at Nianwen without saying a word.

Nianwen dodged to dodge, slipped to the back of the man, lifted his foot and kicked again, kicking the man's back hard, the man didn't react at all, his identity fell forward, his neck He just hit the sharp blade and was killed on the spot.

"Dead again?" He wanted to keep this alive and take him back for interrogation, but he died again.

She walked towards the carriage, first carefully removed the poisoned arrows, and then said to Dong'er: "It's all right, come out."

Dong'er quickly came out of the carriage, her eyes were full of panic, her mouth was covered by a pale and thin hand, and a sharp dagger was pressed against her lower back. She wanted to sound a warning, but she could only Whoosh, can't say a word.

However, Nianwen didn't notice what was wrong with her, and thought she was so frightened when she saw the corpse on the ground, until she felt a dangerous smell, the sharp dagger was already close at hand.

She reacted quickly and turned sideways to avoid the place where the dagger stabbed her heart, but her left arm was still scratched by the dagger. She didn't feel any pain, only felt that blood was continuously gushing out.

Rapid paralysis of the arm, poisonous?She hastily backed away a few steps, not daring to raise her spirits any more, and took out a gold needle from her waist to seal the acupuncture point.

"If you are poisoned by my Amitabha powder, you will definitely die, hahahaha, hahahahaha!"

It was a breeze for him to take her life now, but he didn't intend to make such a mistake, he wanted her to return to the palace, and die in pain in front of her parents.

Although Nianwen sealed the acupuncture points with gold needles, a small amount of toxins still invaded the limbs and bones, and the feeling of dizziness invaded. She pointed to the man in black and asked, "You, who are you? Why did you harm me?"

"Taking people's money and eliminating disasters for others, it's just a blame, you cast the wrong life, hahaha, hahahaha." He turned around with a wild laugh, his figure plunged into the night, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Dong'er, who fell from the carriage, fought back the pain and got up. Seeing the princess fell down, she screamed and rushed up, but she still couldn't help the princess. She cried out anxiously: "Come on, hurry up!" Come, someone!"

The night watchmen in the palace heard the movement and sent people out to check. Seeing that the princess was injured and fell to the ground, they hurriedly picked up the princess and rushed back to the mansion.

The princess was attacked, seriously injured and her life was in danger, and the entire Prince's Mansion was in chaos.

Qi Rongyue felt her daughter's pulse, her complexion was pale, her fingers were trembling constantly.

Zheng Zhongwen had never seen Qi Rongyue like this.

Rong Yue has always been calm, she didn't change her expression when Mount Tai collapsed in front of her, with her appearance, even he jumped up with fear.

"Hurry up and talk, what happened to Wen'er?" Zhongwen asked anxiously.

Rong Yue said in a trembling voice: "She has been poisoned by a very rare poison, I don't know what it is, although she sealed her veins with golden needles, the toxin has already invaded the six channels and five internal organs, if the poison cannot be detoxified in time, Wen'er, she, Wen'er she--"

She couldn't continue, she didn't even dare to think about such a cruel word.

Zheng Zhongwen shook his head: "No, no, Wen'er is different from ordinary people, she will be fine, she is just a little poisonous, she will definitely be fine."

(End of this chapter)

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