Chapter 1295

Chapter 1311

Seeing his appearance, Jian Yun was very worried. If something happened to Nianwen, what would Kun'er do?
Jian Yun has a token given by Tianqi, and she can freely enter and leave the Forbidden Palace. She didn't disturb Tianqi, and went directly to Zangshu Pavilion with Wan Kun.

As the emperor, Tian Qi was already exhausted by worrying about state affairs all day long. If he was told about reading the text again, it would just be one more person who worried, and his worry would not be of much concern to reading the text. If it doesn't work, it's better not to say it, and keep it a secret for as long as you can.

There are guards and caretakers in the Zangshu Pavilion. Jian Yun has also been here before. The middle-aged eunuch who guarded her knew her identity. Get in.

"Zhu'er, this is the genius doctor Jian, who is good at serving you. The genius doctor can take whatever he needs, and don't neglect it." The eunuch said to the maids who usually take care of the Zangshu Pavilion.

The maids here are different from those in other places. They are all quite old, the youngest is about 30 years old, and their clothes are plain. Perhaps because they have been in Shuge for a long time, their temperament is much more elegant than ordinary court ladies.

Jian Yun asked an older court lady, "Take us to the bookshelf where medical classics are stored."

The maid didn't say anything, and immediately led them to the back of the book pavilion.

The library is very large, with all kinds of books. There are two big bookshelves for medical classics alone. One of the big bookshelves here is as big as ten in Jian Yun's study.

If you search for books, when will you find them?He is not afraid of hardship and tiredness, but he is afraid that he will not be able to wait so long to read the text.

Jian Yun asked again: "Are there any books that specifically record medicinal herbs?"

The maid said: "Of course there are. There are 36 classics that specifically record medicinal herbs, including the Herb Code, Golden Prescriptions, Precious Medicines, and Miao Medicines..."

Jian Yun interrupted her and said, "Bring them all here, we want to see them all."

The palace maid was a little surprised: "It may take a lot of time to read all these books."

Jian Yun glanced at the five court ladies standing on the other side, and asked, "Are you all literate?"

The maid nodded: "They are all literate, and they also do some copying work on weekdays."

"Very well, let them all come over and watch together. We are looking for a medicinal herb. In order to save time, I have to ask you to help us find it together. As long as you find the medicinal herb we are looking for, you will be rewarded with a thousand taels of silver."

The maid's eyebrows brightened. Although their salaries were already very generous, a thousand taels of silver was still a huge amount to them. When the other five court ladies heard this, they immediately rushed over and quickly handed over the 36 herbal classics. Moved out, all placed on a long table.

At this time, Jian Yun had already written down the name of the Amitabha flower and some of the traits she knew, and each sent a copy for them to compare and look up.

In the huge book collection pavilion, there was no other sound except the rattle of flipping books.

Everyone is very serious, not letting go of every word in the book, for fear that if one neglects, the reward of a thousand taels of silver will be missed.

At noon, the eunuch guarding outside saw that Jian Yun and Wan Kun hadn't gone out, so he ordered someone to fetch food from the dining room and delivered it to them in person.

"Miraculous Doctor Jane, Mr. Wan, it's time to eat."

The two were anxious, they hadn't eaten since yesterday, and they still have no appetite now, but they also understood that if they wanted to save Nianwen, they couldn't fall down, no matter how anxious they were, they had to eat.

(End of this chapter)

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