Chapter 1296 Dongli People

Chapter 1312

Thanks to the eunuch, the two took the meal and went to another empty table to eat without a bite, neither of them spoke.

Just halfway through the meal, a court lady suddenly shouted, "I found it, I found it!"

The two quickly ran over and snatched the pharmacopoeia from the maid's hand. On the old yellow paper was a large nine-petal flower with pointed petals and no stamens. The stem was thick but without leaves. It was a bit strange. The name of the flower is "Amitabha, born in the southern Tibet Plateau, likes to grow in places where the air is thin and people and animals are rare. It will kill within three hours at most, it is extremely poisonous."

Wan Kun said to the court lady, "Go get a pen and paper."

He copied the Amitabha flower pattern and notes from the Pharmacopoeia onto another piece of paper, and after confirming that it was correct, he immediately stuffed it into his bosom, then took out a few thousand taels of silver bills and put them on the table, and said to the court ladies, "Yes I'm tired of you, let's share it."

The mother and son quickly left the palace and returned to the side-by-side palace. Zhongwen and Rongyue had been guarding the bedside for two days and nights. Fortunately, the poison of reading the text did not spread any further. Her body seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep. Apart from being able to breathe, she and There is no difference between a dead person, which is a good thing for the current reading.

Wan Kun gave Nianwen a pulse, and asked Rongyue, "What happened to her? Why did she become like this?"

Rongyue's voice was already dry and hoarse, and she shed tears. She said in a hoarse voice, "It's Xiaobai. Xiaobai used some method to stabilize Wen'er who was in a critical situation at that time. The toxin failed to penetrate into the heart. Saved his life, Xiaobai also fell into a coma, and he doesn't know when he will wake up."

Wan Kun glanced at Xiaobai who was sleeping in the corner. He hadn't seen Xiaobai for a long time. It disappeared suddenly when he was in Jincheng. At that time, he thought that he would go out and play for a few days as usual and then come back. Once, it left and never came back, and Nianwen was sad for a long time. It was really lucky for Nianwen that it came back to save her in such a critical time.

Wan Kun said: "Princess, please take good care of her. Please make her wait for me to come back. I will definitely, definitely bring the black armored snake back."

Rongyue nodded: "I believe in you, you and Zhongwen should take care of each other, don't get hurt, and come back safely."

"Yue'er, don't worry, my son, as long as he decides what he wants to do, he will definitely be able to do it." Although he is very optimistic and believes in his son, the worry in his eyes is still strong.

That's Southern Tibet. It's not an ordinary place. Many people entered Southern Tibet and never came out. I heard that the aborigines in Southern Tibet even ate people.

At this time, Sangui ran in, and he entered Zhongwen and said, "Your Majesty, we found out that one of the people who were killed by the princess that day had a letter on him, although the address and name were not written on the envelope. But judging from the contents of the letter, those people are not from Jingdu, but from Dongli, and they should have come from Dongli not long ago."


These are very sensitive words.

Zhong Wen's complexion changed slightly, and he exchanged glances with Rong Yue quickly.

Rong Yue said: "I'll handle this matter, you and Wan Kun go to Southern Tibet, don't worry about me, I can handle it well."

Zhongwen nodded, and took out a jade order from his arms: "This is the transfer order of the city defense battalion. If there is anything, it can be used as an emergency."

(End of this chapter)

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