Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1306 Lead us to Southern Tibet

Chapter 1306 Lead us to Southern Tibet
Chapter 1322

Rong Yue sighed and shook her head: "Now I can only wait until the prince brings back the antidote, there is no other way."

Yin Shuwei slapped himself severely. If he hadn't said those words to his grandparents that day, his grandmother wouldn't have suddenly fallen ill, and he wouldn't have invited Nianwen back to the Marquis of Wenchang to see a doctor. It was already late at night, but Let her go home by herself.

Rong Yue grabbed his hand, "You don't have to blame yourself, this matter has nothing to do with you, even if they don't succeed that day, they will find another opportunity, as the saying goes, don't be afraid of thieves stealing, but be afraid of thieves thinking about it, since we are standing side by side in the palace It has already made people think about it, and it will happen sooner or later."

Yin Shuwei gritted his teeth and said angrily: "Who is so cruel? What's wrong with reading the text? Why did they treat her like this?"

What's wrong?The mistake is that she is Princess Changle, her and Zhongwen's child, and Tianqi's most beloved niece. Naturally, the Shangguan family will take her first, and she will never spare them.

"Okay, you saw it too, go back, don't come again, if she is lucky enough to survive, I will send someone to notify you." When she said this, her heart seemed to be stabbed ten thousand times with a sharp knife, Blood dripping, fragmented.


It is said that after Zhongwen and Wankun left the capital city, they drove all the way to the direction of southern Tibet. Although they were very anxious, the road to the north was not easy. It was either snow or ice, and the horses did not dare to run fast, especially those who The sparsely populated trails are even more difficult to walk.

After two days of driving, both of them were very tired, and the sky was getting dark. They happened to pass by a city, so they went into the city to eat and rest for the night.

As soon as they entered the city, the two felt something was wrong. A few people behind seemed to follow them when they entered the gate of the city, followed them all the way to the restaurant for dinner, and followed them all the way to the inn where they were staying.

The two pretended not to notice, and after handing over the horse to the waiter, they went straight to the room and went upstairs.

The two asked for a big room with two beds, and after entering the door, they closed the doors and windows. When they were sure that there was no one outside, Wan Kun said, "My lord, it seems that someone has been waiting for us."

Zhongwen nodded: "Before I suspected that the murderer deliberately left clues about Amitabha San to lead us to southern Tibet. Now it seems right. They knew that we would definitely come, so they set up an ambush in advance."

Wan Kun coughed coldly, "I want them to come and go."

Zhongwen said: "We must keep alive."

There were footsteps outside, and the two fell silent.

"Second guest officers, I've brought you some water."

Zhong Wen winked at Wan Kun, signaling him to hide behind the door, and then said, "Come in."

The door was pushed open, and two young men with hot water buckets came in one after the other. The one in front went directly to the bathroom with the bucket. He immediately lowered his eyes again, and followed the young man in front to the bathroom.

After the sound of pouring water stopped, two young men came out with empty buckets. The man in front said, "Guest officer, the water is ready. If you need anything else, please ask."

Zhong Wen nodded: "Thank you, there is nothing else for now, you go down."

The clerk nodded, turned and left, and the clerk who was following him suddenly turned around after taking a few steps towards the door, and shot out several hidden weapons from his sleeve with a wave of his hand.

Zhongwen was on guard against him, how could he let him succeed, his figure swayed lightly, avoiding the attack of hidden weapons.

 Recommend my friend Yan Yunmeng's new book "The Reborn Medical Girl: The Army, please let me go"


(End of this chapter)

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