Chapter 1307
Chapter 1323

The man missed the blow and immediately slipped to run, but was hit by Zhongwen's backhand thrown teacup on the calf, and immediately fell to his knees.

The guy who was walking in front turned around, saw this situation, his expression changed, and he said in surprise, "What's going on here?"

Zhongwen ignored him, grabbed the guy by his collar and threw it into the inner room: "Say, who sent you here?"

At this moment, the man standing behind Zhongwen suddenly had a sly smile, his arm trembled slightly, a dagger slipped out from his sleeve, and landed firmly in his palm. He raised his hand and stabbed at Zhongwen. The heart of the text.

At this moment of crisis, a hand appeared out of the sky, firmly clasped the guy's wrist, and pulled it hard, the wrist bone snapped, causing the guy to howl in pain.

The dagger fell to the ground, Zhongwen turned around and sneered, "You think I'll just show my back in front of people?"

The guy was sweating from the pain, "You did it on purpose."

Zhong Wen snorted, "Of course it was on purpose, otherwise how would you make a move?"

Wan Kun put his hands on his shoulders, forced him to kneel down, and asked in a deep voice, "How many of you are there?"

The man gritted his teeth and said, "Don't dream, I won't tell you, you don't want to leave alive."

"Really? Then I'll let you taste it first. What does it mean that life is better than death?" He took out two golden needles and pierced them into the vital points under his shoulders.

The man's complexion changed drastically immediately, and the pain on his face became more and more intense. He fell limply to the ground, howling in pain, "You, what did you do to me? Kill me if you have the guts."

Thinking of the suffering his precious daughter is suffering now, Zhongwen became angry: "Kill you? Wouldn't that be too cheap for you? Say, who sent you here? Where is your master now?"

The young man gritted his teeth and said nothing, his body was already twitching in pain, but he had a lot of backbone.

Zhongwen's eyes fell on another young man. Although they were on the same side, they obviously had different temperaments. One was calm and scheming, while the other was impulsive and reckless.

Zhong Wen winked at Wan Kun, and Wan Kun understood, drew his knife and stabbed the lying man in the chest, killing him.

Then he closed the door again, playing with the dagger that was still dripping with blood, and walked step by step in front of the gray-faced, frightened young man.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me." His companion had already died tragically in front of him, even if he wanted to be tough, he couldn't be tough, the fear of death enveloped him, so he couldn't care less about anything else.

Wan Kun squatted down, staring at him fiercely with bloodthirsty eyes, "Let me ask you one last question, who sent you here, and where is your master?"

The young man nodded quickly: "I say, I say, I say everything."

He swallowed hard, gasped heavily and began to narrate again and again. Although the words were a bit messy, he could still understand the general meaning.

There are a total of five killers in this inn, and they are only two of them. If they miss, the others hidden in the dark will act again. As for how they will act, he has no idea, and the one who ordered them , is a man named Wu Ge, he has never met this Wu Ge, they are just killers who take money to do things, and he has just entered the industry not long ago, lack of experience, this is his first time as a killer.

Wan Kun was not interested in whether he was a killer for the first time: "Where is Brother Wu? How can we find him?"

(End of this chapter)

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