Chapter 131 Banquet
The old lady felt that something was wrong, but she didn't say anything, she just looked at her daughter-in-law: "What do you think?"

Mrs. Yin shook her head: "No, let's not talk about our Yixuan's attitude after knowing this, let's talk about Rongyue, she doesn't even look down on our Yixuan, who can get her eyes?"

Zheng Shizi?Even if Zheng Shizi can get into her eyes, but what kind of family status is Zheng Shizi? How could they allow the dignified Shizi to marry such an orphan in the Marquis of Yongping?
Mother Zhong said disapprovingly: "It's not that she doesn't dare to think about a character like our young master, but it's not that she can't get her eyes. This proves that she is a smart girl and knows which horse should match which saddle. We just need to give her the saddle." Find someone from the same family, she is a sensible person, and she will definitely not refuse."

Mrs. Yin thought about it left and right, but still felt that something was wrong, she shook her head and said: "No, no, Rong Yue's appearance, an ordinary son is not suitable for her, we can't delay her good girl."

Mother Zhong is a thoughtful person, after hearing Madam's words, she knew that Madam really loves Qi Rongyue, so she put away her contempt and said: "Your servant has another idea." She paused intentionally, Seeing the two masters looking at her, she smiled mysteriously, and said: "The year is coming to an end, we usually hold a banquet at this time of the year, and invite some of the master's colleagues in the officialdom to have a drink , and then go back to the capital for the New Year, this year will be no exception, plus our young master has won the first prize, why don't we make this banquet bigger, and invite not only the master's colleagues in the officialdom, but also their family members."

There are some words that can be understood without saying it clearly.

As soon as the old lady and Mrs. Yin heard what Mama Zhong said, they immediately knew what she meant, and it seemed that it was a good idea to have such a calculation in their minds.

At that time, if they invite Rong Yue, maybe at the banquet, she will be able to meet the man she likes?
Although Pengcheng is not as rich as the talents in Kyoto, it is still a place full of talents. Maybe among these people, there will be someone who can catch her eye.

Rongyu Hall

"Miss, Mrs. Yin wants to accept you as a righteous daughter today, why don't you agree?" What a great opportunity, as long as you become the daughter of the Yin family, no one will dare to stop Miss from walking sideways in Pengcheng in the future what!
Qi Rongyue said: "They really have good intentions and really want to help me, but I can't harm them."

Xue'er was confused by what she said: "Miss, are you thinking too much? You are not a broom star, how could you harm them?"

Qi Rongyue looked up at Xue'er, and sighed: "You will know later, don't ask, go and rest!"

She lay on the bed, pulled the quilt over, turned her back to Xue'er, and said nothing more.

Xue'er saw that she didn't want to say any more, so she didn't ask any more questions, and she couldn't find anything if she asked again. If the young lady didn't want to say anything, no one would say anything.

The young lady seems to have something on her mind, very serious. Although she has been with the young lady all the time, she seems to understand the young lady very well, but in fact she doesn't understand the young lady at all. The young lady seems to be covered with a thin veil all the time. Behind the love, many secrets are hidden.

Although she doesn't know what these secrets are, she can feel that these secrets must be very sad. When there are no outsiders around, the young lady will often be in a daze, and her dull eyes are full of sadness that makes her feel extremely distressed.

(End of this chapter)

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