Chapter 132
Qi Mansion
Qi Rongxue knelt in Qi Yongchun's study, beside Liang Shi who was full of worry and distress.

"Tell me, where did you sneak out today?" Qi Yongchun stared coldly at the silent daughter in front of him, suppressing the anger that was about to burst out.

Qi Rongxue's body trembled slightly. She had never seen her father get so angry. She secretly looked to her mother for help, but her mother just shook her head: "Xue'er, if your father asks you, just tell the truth." Answer, girl, it’s not a big deal to go out when you’re feeling bored, just tell the truth.”

Qi Rongxue's heart lit up, her mother reminded her well, she hurriedly raised her head to look at her father: "Father, I'm in a bad mood these days, seeing that the weather is nice today, I thought about going out for a walk to relax, so I just went to I visited two rouge shops, but I didn’t go anywhere, really.”

Qi Yongchun snorted coldly: "I see the weather was better yesterday than today, why didn't you go out yesterday, why today?"

Qi Rongxue argued: "Yesterday I also wanted to go out, but suddenly I felt a little uncomfortable so I didn't go. Today the weather is fine and I feel comfortable, so I went out."

With a loud bang, Qi Yongchun slapped the palm of his hand heavily on the desk in front of him, and said angrily, "Are you still lying? You are crowded in Taining Street in a fancy dress today, what are you doing there? Are you visiting a rouge shop on the street?"

Qi Rongxue lowered her head, thinking to herself how could her father know about this?Besides, with so many people on the street, how did they see her?

"Father, there are so many girls on Taining Street, it won't matter if I have one more, why are you so angry?"

Qi Yongchun angrily grabbed the inkstone on the table, really wanted to use the inkstone to smash hard at this unworthy daughter.

Seeing this, Mrs. Liang rushed to her daughter, blocked Qi Rongxue with her body, and tried to persuade her: "Master, Xueer was also confused for a while, she is still young and ignorant, I will talk to her when I get back. "

Qi Yongchun's anger immediately shifted to Liang's body: "Look at the daughter you taught, what kind of virtue is this? What did you say?"

Qi Rongxue was a little unconvinced, and raised her voice: "Everyone else can, why can't I?"

Qi Yongchun stood up from the seat with a huff, pointed at her and said, "Because you are my daughter Qi Yongchun, you are the daughter of the magistrate, can you be like those unknown women on the street?"

He pointed to his own face: "You have lost all your face today." Today, I made an appointment with a few colleagues to have dinner at Yipinju, but unexpectedly, on the way, I was caught by a colleague in the crowd Recognizing Rong Xue, the eyes of those colleagues at that time immediately turned strange. Because he was the immediate superior, they pretended to be nonchalant, but in their hearts, Qi Yongchun might have made fun of him many times.

Qi Rongxue was still unconvinced: "Why did I lose your face? I just stood on the street, did I lose your face? Then, do I never go out for the rest of my life?"

Qi Yongchun said angrily: "You are still pretending to be innocent in front of me? Do you think I don't know? Today is the day when Yin Yixuan returns to the city. You go out early in the morning and squeeze into the street with those girls in the afternoon, just to watch Did Yin Yixuan take a look? When you did this, did you ever think that you still have a father who is the magistrate?"

(End of this chapter)

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