Chapter 133 Disappearing Forever

It would be fine if their Qi family and Yin family didn't have that kind of relationship before. It's understandable that the little girl likes to pursue a man like Yin Yixuan, but their Qi family is different. For this marriage, he drove away his elder brother. His daughter, who lost more than half of the family property and had a complete quarrel with the Yin family, these things have long been a laughing stock in Pengcheng's official circles, but because of his status as Qi Yongchun and the Yin family, no one dared to say anything outright.

Now that his second daughter has done this kind of thing again, where should he put his face in front of his colleagues?

Qi Rongxue was told what was on her mind, not only did she not show a trace of shyness, but she said straightforwardly: "That's right, I just went to see Mr. Yin, I adore him wholeheartedly, I hope he can take a look at me in the crowd , Am I wrong? I like someone, am I wrong? "

Mrs. Liang was almost driven crazy by this daughter, and she didn't seem to have such a stubborn temper on weekdays, what's wrong today?Both of them are not normal, as if they were stimulated by something.

Qi Yongchun rushed forward and wanted to slap Qi Rongxue in the face, but Liang Shi desperately stopped him: "Master, Xue'er is still young, so don't bother with her, she is not sensible, I will teach her when I go back."

Qi Yongchun didn't want to talk nonsense with her anymore, and said angrily: "Get out, without my permission, you are not allowed to leave the gate of the Qi family again."

Mrs. Liang hurriedly pulled Rong Xue up and left the study quickly.

Back in the courtyard where Rong Xue lived, Mrs. Liang originally wanted to discipline her, but when she saw her daughter's face was full of tears, her heart softened, and she couldn't say another harsh word.

She pulled her daughter to sit by the bed and told the girls to go out.

"Xue'er, tell mother, have you seen Yin Yixuan today?"

Qi Rongxue took the handkerchief from her mother, wiped her tears and shook her head, "No, he didn't go to Taining Street."

"He didn't go to Taining Street? Taining Street is the only way for him to go back to Yin Mansion!"

Qi Rongxue cried even more sadly: "I heard, I heard that he went to Changxing Street and Rongyu Hall, mother, did Mr. Yin fall in love with that bitch Qi Rongyue?"

"What? Yin Yixuan went to Rongyu Hall today?" Liang's voice immediately increased by two degrees, with a look of surprise!
Looking at her daughter's pretty little face, and thinking about Qi Rongyue's unparalleled gorgeous face, if she were a man, she would prefer a woman like Qi Rongyue!
She immediately shook her head: "No, it's impossible. It's impossible for Yin Yixuan to like Qi Rongyue. They haven't met before, so what if they have? Today's Qi Rongyue is just an orphan girl with no status or status. The Yin family loves Qi Rongyue. It is impossible to accept such a woman as a daughter-in-law."

Qi Rongxue looked at Liang Shi in front of her, and begged: "Mother, is there no way to make her disappear forever? It's okay to leave, let her leave Pengcheng, and never come back."

Mrs. Liang frowned and fell silent. If she wanted to drive away Qi Rongyue without the support of the Zheng family in the past, it would be a piece of cake, but now it is different. Not only does she have the support of the Zheng family, she also Opened a medical clinic and was famous in Pengcheng, if she did something hastily and let the people of Pengcheng know, let Mr. Zheng know, it would be disadvantageous to the Qi family.

But she didn't want to see her daughter sad!

"Xue'er, don't worry, my mother will definitely help you with this matter! Take a good rest first, and tomorrow mother will go to Rongyu Hall to see what kind of waves this little bitch can make." Liang patted the back of her daughter's hand , said comfortingly.

(End of this chapter)

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