Chapter 134
A mother can do anything for her child.

But she never thought that if her own child is a treasure, are other people's children just grass?

Coming out of Qi Rongxue's room, Mrs. Liang didn't go back directly, but went to Fushouju instead.

The old lady of the Qi family was sitting in the room sulking, the food on the table was still steaming, but she didn't intend to move her chopsticks.

Mother Zhao whispered to the old lady: "Old lady, madam is here!"

The old lady raised her drooping eyebrows and glanced at Mrs. Liang who hurried in: "You're here!"

Liang laughed twice: "Mother, what's wrong with you? Are you uncomfortable?"

The old lady waved her hand: "When people are old, they are useless. It doesn't matter if they are comfortable or uncomfortable. Just wait for death!"

This is said with a bit of complaint!

Mrs. Liang came to her side, and winked at the girl who was beating the old lady's leg, and the girl retreated knowingly, while she sat beside the old lady, pinched the old lady's thigh, and said cautiously: "Who made mother unhappy?"

The old lady snorted: "Who else? That dead girl will not live in peace after leaving the Qi Mansion. Even my Xiao family dares to touch her. She is getting more and more courageous!"

Liang breathed a sigh of relief, she thought the old lady was angry with Xue'er, but it turned out that it wasn't Xue'er, but Qi Rongyue.

"Mother, do you mean that dead girl Rong Yue?" Liang Shi asked again.

The old lady snorted coldly: "Who else is it if it's not her? I just got the news that Xiao Cheng was taken away by people from the county government, saying that he was suspected of instigating bullies to slander Rongyu Hall!"

"It's just a joke. My nephew is timid and behaved. How could he do such a thing? This is clearly framed by her!" The old lady became more and more excited as she spoke, her face flushed red.

Liang sneered inwardly, the Xiao family was timid and behaved?It's ridiculous, a person who is more cunning and treacherous than the other, who can eat people without spit out the bones, how dare he say that he is timid and behaves?

"Mother, this Rongyue is too outrageous. She knows that she is from the Xiao family, but she still does this. She really doesn't take your grandmother seriously." Liang added a handful of firewood at the right time, and set the fire ablaze. Be more prosperous.

As expected, the old lady's complexion became more and more gloomy, her eyes were fierce, and she was planning something.

Liang Shi asked cautiously: "Mother, is this the end of the matter?"

The old lady immediately screamed: "Forget it? Let my innocent nephew go to unjust imprisonment? It can't be counted!"

Liang said again: "With the master here, how could it be possible for Xiao Cheng to be imprisoned unjustly."

"That can't be counted, this damn girl, if you don't teach her a lesson, she really thinks that she is that kind of thing, and this matter must not be left like this!"

Mrs. Liang was secretly delighted. It seemed that she had found an ally, with an old lady leading the charge. Even if the news got out, wouldn't it be natural for the grandmother to teach her granddaughter a lesson?
"Mother, what are you going to do?" Liang asked.

The old lady shook her head: "I haven't thought of it yet, I was so confused by her!"

"I have an idea, but I don't know if it will work!" Liang said in a low voice.

The old lady raised her eyebrows and looked at her: "Tell me."

The corners of Liang's lips curled up slightly, and his smile was weird, which made the old lady feel terrified and couldn't help shivering.

Liang Shi said: "Tomorrow I will go to Rongyu Hall in person and tell you that you are sick, and ask her to come to Qi Manor to see you." Whispering in their ears, even Zhao's mother who was standing aside couldn't hear what their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were muttering.

(End of this chapter)

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