Chapter 1311
Chapter 1327

Zhongwen frowned, glanced at the remaining hares on the ground, and said, "You can hunt so many wild animals, why don't you save some for your mother to replenish her body?"

Sanmuhong said with eyes wide open: "As long as I can remember, my mother has often been sick. I don't know what kind of disease my mother has. When I learned to hunt, all the prey I hunted were exchanged for money for my mother's medical treatment. None left."

Speaking of this, he sighed again, and said: "If I knew that my mother is not sick, but just lacks nutrition to replenish her body, why should I go hunting desperately to exchange for bitter and astringent medicine?"

Zhongwen sighed: "It seems that you doctors in Nanzang City are not very skilled in medicine."

Wan Kun said: "Perhaps it's not that he's not good at medicine, but just wants to make more money."

Miki walked aside and picked up a pheasant: "I'll make chicken soup for mother right now."

Wan Kun hurriedly stopped him: "No, no, she has been out of balance for a long time, and it is not good to eat chicken soup suddenly. The chicken is edible, but the chicken soup needs to wait for another two days. In this way, you can buy a fish and steam some fish soup for you." She said, body repair must be done step by step, and you can't try to reach the sky in one step."

Miki should have left in a hurry, it was not easy to get fish, in the small river outside the village, if he was lucky, it would not be a problem to catch one or two.

When Sanmu came back after catching the fish, Zhongwen had packed the roasted beggar's chicken and left half of the chicken for Sanmu's mother so that she would not have to work for dinner after they entered the mountain.

Sanmu knew that the two of them were in a hurry to go up the mountain, but he couldn't just leave his mother behind and leave. After a few words with them, he hurried into the kitchen, steamed the fish, cooked a pot of gruel, and stuffed his silver in the kitchen. Then he said: "Mother, I want to take these two benefactors into the mountains to collect herbs. You can rest at home by yourself. The porridge and fish soup are cooked in the kitchen, and there is half a chicken. You are hungry." Just eat."

Sanmuniang frowned and said, "Why did you still cook fish and chicken? Didn't the doctor say that I can't get meat?"

Miki sighed: "Mother, those doctors before were quack doctors. They deliberately kept you from getting better in order to make more money. That's why they said something like this. You can eat as much as you want, and you don't have to avoid it in the future."

Mimuniang snorted, and then grabbed her son's hand tightly: "Sanmu, you must be careful when you go into the mountains, don't do dangerous things, don't let yourself get hurt, remember?"

Sanmuhong nodded with eyes: "I remember, my son remembers." He got up, secretly wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, turned around, took the bow and arrow and left.

On the way out of the village, Wan Kun asked, "Brother Sanmu, you said you were the third eldest in your family, but why didn't you see your other two brothers?"

Sanmu sighed, and said: "My father, my eldest brother, and my second brother all died in the Nanzang Mountains, so my mother is always worried at home and doesn't want me to go into the mountains again."

"We were born here, if we don't rely on the mountains for food, how can we live?"

Wan Kun was silent, thinking that the Nanzang Mountains were indeed extremely dangerous, even experienced locals would not be spared, let alone outsiders who didn't know much about it.

The three of them came to the back gate of Nanzang City. The difference from the front gate was that there were at least ten people checking the hunters who came in and out. The people's way of life.

Miki took out a cloth bag from his bosom, which contained more than a dozen copper plates, and handed it to the gatekeeper voluntarily.

(End of this chapter)

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