Chapter 1312

Chapter 1328

The gatekeeper weighed the bag with displeasure: "That's all?"

Miki was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly said: "Guard, this is the number I usually go into the mountains."

The gatekeeper glanced at Zheng Zhongwen and Wan Kun who were following him, and said with a sullen face, "You are alone on weekdays, but today there are three people. Can the price be the same?"

Miki looked embarrassed, he had no money on him, "Guard, how about this, how about we give you more wild things when we come out?"

The gatekeeper shook his head: "Come out? Who knows when you will come out? And who knows if you can come out? Even if you can come out, who can guarantee that I will still be here on duty? Stop talking nonsense, and get out if you can't get it out."

There was a fire in Zhongwen's heart. It's okay for these dog officials not to seek the well-being of the people, but to exploit the people like this is really shameful and hateful.

He gritted his teeth, swallowed the anger in his chest, and gave Wan Kun a wink. Wan Kun nodded, stepped forward and smiled and said: "This official, we don't understand the rules when we first come here. It's our fault. Please don't blame the official." He took two pieces of silver that he had found while eating in the restaurant and stuffed them into the hands of the guards.

The gloom on the guard's face immediately dissipated, and the people in the southern Tibetan city were mostly poor, especially those who went hunting in the mountains. Otherwise, who would risk their lives to enter the mountains? He hadn't received money here for an unknown period of time.

"Those who don't know don't blame it, just go out." He generously let them go, and as soon as the three of them left the city gate, several other guards surrounded them, asking the guard who had collected the money to share the money equally.

Zhongwen looked back and felt very uncomfortable. Although Nanzang City was located in the Chu Dynasty, it belonged to the Chu Dynasty on the territory, but because of the special nature of Nanzang, the imperial court seldom controlled this place, which caused the corruption here. Rot is prevalent.

When he returns to Beijing, he must advise Tianqi to take good care of this southern Tibetan city, so as not to let the common people suffer from such evil again.

The stone bridge outside the city spans the long river, which has a history of a hundred years. The Nanzang Mountains are on the other side of the river, and this stone bridge is the only way to the other side.

The water flow under the bridge is so fast that it is unimaginable. Without this stone bridge, who can go to the Nanzang Mountains?
The entrance of the Nanzang Mountains is no different from the entrances of ordinary mountains, but it is the twelfth lunar month of winter, but it is very hot here, especially when it is close to the mountains, the heat becomes more and more obvious.

Wan Kun wiped off his sweat and wondered, "Shouldn't it be cool in the mountains? How could it be so hot?"

Miki said: "I heard that there is a small fire-breathing hill hidden in this mountain range, that's why it's so hot here."

Zhongwen looked around, "If there are fire-breathing hills, how can there be so many trees and flowers growing?"

Miki shook his head: "I don't know either, I haven't seen a fire-breathing hill, I just heard of it, maybe it's fake."

While talking, the three of them had already entered the mountain range, and the further they went, the more they could feel the heat wave blowing against their faces, just like standing in front of a stove, and someone on the other side of the stove was holding a fan and fanning the wind continuously, dispelling all the heat. They all fanned them.

Wan Kun seemed to have no intention of asking Miki, "Have you heard of the black-armored snake?"

Miki's complexion changed slightly, and he nodded: "I've heard that the snake is extremely poisonous. If you are bitten by it, you will die within a short time. My father died from the poison of the black-armored snake. Bringing my father's body back, he was also bitten by a black-armored snake, and died with my father."

(End of this chapter)

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